There were lots of little things for me but the 1995 change in the Generation teaching tipped the scales and all my doubts came together.
When I investigated my religion I had problems with 607 BC and thus 1914. Once that is questioned the whole authority of the WTS as the faithful slave is questionable. I had long had problems with the blood tenet and reading more in 1996 convinced me the WTS was wrong on that also. I had long believed that life on Earth was a result of evolution, perhaps God directed. When I read criticism of the "Creation" book I knew then that resorting to dishonesty was not an indentifier of the true religion. All these made me quit the JW's altogether.
Going back a little further, in January 1995 I stepped down as an elder. I had in three years seen the manipulation, in-fighting and lack of love. When I saw the covering up of wrong doing I decided I couldn't belong to that elder body. I was not alone in stepping down, another elder came to the same decision. He wrote his resignation letter a few days after me. I left the area (and country) five months later. I thought a new start would help me. It didn't. I looked at things from a different perspective, I was now critical of both the WTS teachings and elders in the congregation. By the time the Watchtower on the generation change came out I had had about enough. I was inactive by then but continued to attend meetings. My last meeting was Memorial night 1997.
'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'