JoinedPosts by prologos
WT Resurrection Hope Absolutely Ridiculous As Illustrated In Their Publications
by JW_Rogue insaw this while browsing through the good news brochure:.
is it any wonder people aren't listening to jws anymore?
what an absolutely delusional scene!
Prologos: "--eunuchs--but where are the sailplanes? doing aerobatics? It is biblical! : "- those hoping in Jehovah (resurrection) will regain power (to live) They will mount up with wings like eagles.--" hot air (thermals) rising from wt. -
WT Resurrection Hope Absolutely Ridiculous As Illustrated In Their Publications
by JW_Rogue insaw this while browsing through the good news brochure:.
is it any wonder people aren't listening to jws anymore?
what an absolutely delusional scene!
not only the body, limited mind, but also the regalia will be faithfully reproduced. I wonder about the voice, is it a bass-tenor or a soprano, like a eunuch would have? good learner though instantly speaking mandarin? and lots of sailboats. but where are the sailplanes? doing aerobatics? -
before you put this week's wt away, look at page 3.--
by prologos inpage 3 or any other side, foot notes and share them.
bored today i looked at page 3 and 2 of the 4 elated willing offerings really looked peeved, simone and eston, even if you serve in a vacation destination, paradise, reality will set in, and it will show as in this telling picture.
and: page 22, it is downhill all the way.
Listen: --"Prologos, that is a good point about the Shepherd leading his sheep downhill in the picture.,yeah, the shearing station, the abattoir are in the valley (of no return). I wish somebody could put up a link to page 3, for free. -
before you put this week's wt away, look at page 3.--
by prologos inpage 3 or any other side, foot notes and share them.
bored today i looked at page 3 and 2 of the 4 elated willing offerings really looked peeved, simone and eston, even if you serve in a vacation destination, paradise, reality will set in, and it will show as in this telling picture.
and: page 22, it is downhill all the way.
page 3 or any other side, foot notes and share them. Bored today I looked at page 3 and 2 of the 4 elated willing offerings really looked peeved, Simone and Eston, Even if you serve in a vacation destination, paradise, reality will set in, and it will show as in this telling picture. and: page 22, it is downhill all the way.
"Special" has lost its' special meaning
by stillin intoday is the day of the annual "special talk.
" it took me all of two years to realize not to get my hopes up for anything special.. then came the special assembly day.
may be they are working on a new "revelation" book and one of these day the special something will turn out to be one of the trumpets?--crumpets. -
Just because the JW'S are wrong doesnt mean theres no god.
by atomant inl;ve been giving this some serious consideration lately.l dont have all the answers no one does.we are all entitled to our opinions.l certainly dont believe in evolution as lve researched that subject's important to believe in something even if its for mental health.l believe everything happens for a reason.l also believe if we all live as close to the 10 commandments as possible this world would be a far better place to live and no one can argue with that.
and just because there is no god, does not mean there is no creator of sorts. imho -
This week's resurrection video, will it backfire on the wt?
by prologos inthe resurrection is supposed to be a joyous occasion?, if it ever happened!
--well, this week's showing at the hall was the opposite, it was about death with violins playing in the background.
a recently bereaved member, , full of tears, (like many others) could not contain herself.
I guess there is a perverse pleasure in all this for some, like going to a "schreck" movie. but entertainment at the expense of the vulnerable ones? -
Loyalty...When Is It Right or Wrong?
by BluesBrother inyou will remember the frequent exhortations to "maintain loyalty" to jehovah..a thinly disguised instruction to never question the wts.
wt (simplified) 7/15 2011 pp10-16.
"8] no matter what false teachers say, we will not follow them!
The Nuremberg trials, even of the lower cadre established, that following wrong commands from "above" are no excuse for misdeeds committed under orders, or feelings of loyalty. If Armageddon and the wt 1000 year Reich do not come by 2075, all perpetrators will be guilty as charged. laughable loyalty. -
This week's resurrection video, will it backfire on the wt?
by prologos inthe resurrection is supposed to be a joyous occasion?, if it ever happened!
--well, this week's showing at the hall was the opposite, it was about death with violins playing in the background.
a recently bereaved member, , full of tears, (like many others) could not contain herself.
Given the impact of the rerun, following the story pattern, perhaps wt studios will now plan a "Survival into Paradise" production, with heavy emphasis on the shredding of recalcitrant humans of various ages in slow-motion stages. ? or the effect of the "reserved for fire" on opposers?.
Since wt writers are dream-merchants, why not make the nightmares more and more part of the meeting schedules, and house to house capabilities?
1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears inhow in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.
I remember the long lines buses coming into the stadium to pick up the ~ 6000 baptism candidates. that was before the induction into the "spirit directed organisation" clause. the live orchestra.