JoinedPosts by prologos
JW drives car through Kingdom Hall
by LevelThePlayingField ina 78-year-old female driver escaped with cuts and bruises after crashing into the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses in berrimah.
picture: nt policea parishioner arriving at the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses in berrimah crashed through two church walls, missing occupants waiting for a service to start.. the 78-year-old female driver was taken to hospital with cuts and bruises.
police believed she may also be suffering from shock.. the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses suffered significant damage when a female parishioner crashed through two walls in her car.
was it a quick-build? -
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
Dunedain: "--"does God ONLY exist because WE created God thru our own ability to contemplate a God".
Do you not in that statement put too much importance in our egos? after all, the ALL, the universe functions just fine without our input, and do you think the universe of all things, created itself, with it's laws, energy?
Particular gods might be human ideas, but the works in the universe are not.
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
F&c: "--we must think about our own deaths and thus we created the concept of God and god forbid "purpose". The facts are no one knows. I am probably closer to death than most here, yet my points are strictly on the existence beyond the now expanding through time universe. The laws made our existence possible, and that is enough for me and my offspring. My insistence of feeding us caused some suffering to animals, Luck in publicity made a better invention falter, The works of creation are great enough, we need no special personal favours , which often would be granted at the expense of others, so, let's appreciate the works.
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
T witch: "Also, nothing exists outside the universe, by definition. the definition is most likely true, but perhaps we are not talking about [no]things. I thought along the lines, and expanding on Dr. Roger Penrose's theories of information coming from outside our present universe. Our present understanding of the cosmos might be limited like CNN or Fox news, the rest of the planet does not seem to exist from their point of view. -
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
WtRs: "It gets us nowhere. I am glad you are right, because overall we should be happy we can stay here.
I think cosmologists accept the fact that inside a black hole, or, at the speed of light, or in the pre-big bang & outside the universe conditions*, where there is no movement through time, our physical laws do not prevail. So what I see in the proposed model is the possibility that a creator could function without having a prior cause, or further intervening in the unfolding of creation. a deist's view without the Theos/ deism.
* I assume that outside the universe conditions now are still as they were before our beginning, one indicator to support this is, that the expanding universe seems to absorb new, additional energy to fuel the accelerated expansion, that can not result from the inertia from the initial impetus.
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
eden 1: In that model, since the creator existed in the distant past, and has not expired, and already is in the distant future, and distance and time are equivalent, (example light/ears, , add cubit to life-length), he would stretch in size too into eternity, that is why the heavens of the heavens could not contain him. that is why he would not have to move to be in the future, given his size, he is already there.
last thought: Could we accept then, that the creator is female, since in that model, the universe and ourselves are growing inside him?
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
shepherdless: I have to put that question into the same category, as the one I encountered in the 1930s: "Can god make a stone so big, he will be unable to move it? or re-move it?" thoughts like that show the limitations that we are working with, and sticking to the physics at least gives it a footing in reality. -
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
shepherdless, you have me stumped. when I think of time that always was, is, and will be, -that question does not arise. all we know is that we are moving and that journey had a start 13.8 years ago. Other rules apply before that point in time and a stationary uncreated eternal creator is a distinct possibility, IMHO. so:
to keep on topic, " God(s)" as many think of them do not exist except in our own creation, , but there is a good chance that the universe did not make itself and send itself on the journey through time.
Proof God Does NOT Exist
by Hadriel ino.k.
here's just a little fun, you guys can run with it.. if god existed would he allow the whacktower to be in business?
just sayin... lol.
My answer, has to to do with the concept of time as a 4st dimension. In our world, that did not always exist, we move through time, as well as in the three space dimensions. There was no such movement prior to our universe's beginning. The creator (not necessarily "god" as we think), did, or does not move through time . He is, because of that, not the effect of a prior cause. He is already in the future, in the eternal unmoving time, awaiting our travel onward through time, as he also was in the past,-- before we started moving through time. I do not have to worry about "turtles all the way down" or causes that existed all the way back into eternity. Time is huge and eternal, and not everybody moves through it. -
Interesting statement regarding "this generation"
by InChristAlone ini keep up with, and i noticed an interesting question to "brother rando".
his statement surprised me, and i am wondering if i missed some new light along the way.. question:.
"hello bro rando.
He misses the point that" whoever partakes unworthily, has a final judgement against her/him, no safety net, fall-back scenario, like wieseling back into the the great crowd. The only a few partaking is of course a wt invention. (99% of patents are useless, and this dividing Christians is one of them.