AA: "-- he said they wouldn't get married but 'be like angels'. I always covered the two possible outcomes by referring to male nipples, possibly under the angels garments or the 6 wings, those breast ornaments never seem to raise our desire to nurse children in men right?, and ladies desires are hormone driven, so, as "children of the resurrection", without those chemicals urging you on, why would you have the maddening intense desire to procreate?
"--will we see children that never made it because of a miscarriage? Sorry for you about that experience, good though, because miscarriages might be nature's way of stopping an unviable fetus to go on. I had the unfortunate experience to actually see the expelled embryo, because it was happening in an emergency hospital. No point of a resurrection there, except a re-implant into the healed womb, so, You must be talking of a very late term interruption, perhaps when a name was already picked, which we experienced too.
Just discussing the text, without endorsing the extended talking snake tale.