TD: "--There were no other sheep in the year, 1776, for example.) are you sure? Wt might not realize it either?
1) An OS might be identified as one who has an earthly destiny, through resurrection or survival, and there are more deaths than 144 k in the last millennia.
2) The sealed, anointed come out of the 12 tribes of Israel, a group that wt has consistently labelled as the earthly class. That sealing started at Pentecost , or Stephen's death, so the millions of partakers that were awaiting the New Earth, not just the heavens, by default, must be Other, earthly Sheep.or? --of course,
If there was no Faithful and Discreet Slave during the Apostles' days, so, why would there be Other sheep?
Van 7: "-- come out of the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:14). However, as WT teaching dictates that the Tribulation is still future, --great point V7, but wt has admitted in wt April 15 1995, questions from readers, that the GC is described only after the GT. but Rev, say come out of , not pass through!
The idea of deathless survival in wt teaching predates 1935 of course: " --Millions now living will never die!" wt published ca.1918. With that they predicted at least 2 million ~100 year old baptized faithful publishers, with at least 15 minutes/month reporting in 2016. wow! that's what I call confidence.