JoinedPosts by prologos
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Fisherman: "--and Gd tells him: "Get your own dirt!" " that is very telling, and teaching humour. That is why I consider discussions about evolution immaterial to the big question of initial creation. Evolution is playing with "god's" dirt, or play dough. but how this big, energetic structure we live in, started expanding, and moving through time. wow I would like to have been there in person, and of course i was there, but only in energy. -
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Fisherman: " Empty space is something to put things in. It is not known if ES existed before the bb. I think that it did not exist--" very good thoughts in connection with this theme.
There has to be a distinction between intergalactical space, defined in three directions and its point of movement through time, and the void that existed before the beginning bb. Perhaps mass and Energy generate the space and it's field forces as it expands? or is space just an invisible 3 dimensional framework where to hang matter into? Invisible like the kingdom of 1914? would the gravity be strongest just "outside" the universe, as it is strongest just outside the surface of the Earth? falling off in strength toward infinity and to zero at the center?
For these reasons I picture a kind of Ur-space, Ur-time that filled and always has, -eternity.
A flash from the past
by wasone inthis is a photo of the bethel repair shop taken in 1976. anyone recognize any of these lads from 40 years ago.
i know it's a long shot, but was wondering how many were still in after all these years.
i remember a few of them.
They are all a generation younger than I, but they all look that they would so much more content if allowed the permanent presence of a woman, and more time at the meal tables. -
Science disproves JW claims
by elbib inaccording to quantum theory and non-locality, two particles, can act in unity.
for example, take a and b (photons or electrons for example).
pair them, then separate them, and put them on either side of the planet.
According to wt old light does not "god" reside in the Pleiades? that's 444.4 light years away, and there they must not have heard yet about quantum entanglement, so be patient. -
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
ts: "--Why does it have to be this way, everything going round something else?" because the universe is held in an expanding balance between the gravity of mass, and the centrifugal forces of the energy of movement. (even heat is just movement). Any movement in the universe powers it's expansion, Closer in, the planets go around the sun in orbits that balance the inward pull of the sun's mass. That is why the waltz, the loop, the roll are such popular movements too. -
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Mephis: "--Or is he not irrelevant to all intents and purposes in your life? Other than a theoretical construct --" well for me, the creator is not irrelevant, because of perceived present inaction, because I am very firmly rooted in the results of the creation/beginning event. I am obsessed with creating things, on a primitive level, but also touching and the cosmic; - emulating all my parents all the way back to where it matters. I am very encouraged by the glimpses into the pre-big bang "outside our universe" that science/math offers. It certainly is a broader, richer worldview, lifestyle now, than that I experienced in my 5 decades long foray into the "spiritual"world of watchtower activity & study. -
WT loses sextuplets court case
by belbab in.
toronto globe and mail.. parents of sextuplets given transfusions lose court fight..
woj: "We don't say "aboot"Never quite understood that one. --That rendering seems to come from Robert MacNeil, of " McNeal Lehrer Report" news hour on NPR USA, who picked up his various accents even as far away as London, on his assignments.
Hope the wt comes up with saner policies on medical procedures, without being prompted by the courts.
Woman rips off her husband's testicles with bare hands...
by Elsewhere in husband talks to action news.
tioga-nicetown - may 17, 2006 - a philadelphia man is recovering from an attack, allegedly at the hands of his wife.
the assault on his private parts has become public knowledge.
in her bare hands, That gives a new meaning to the expression "the lady has balls" ! , bare hands too, she took her gloves off? -
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Mephis: :"--laws which are instead invented by humans --" well, The laws by which nature works are embodied in the universe and it's movements, It is the human genius that is able to express them in Mathematics, a logic that allows us to extrapolate into further understanding of the workings of the universe. It probably can be said that these are among the eternal truth, because some are almost self evident like the inverse square radiation/ gravity laws, inverse fourth power cooling law, Pie, --The source of other constants are still being investigated, the mass/ gravity mystery, Higgs, gravitons, space tensioning. so.
to me, the deist creator is as useless as my parents. I would not be here without them, and they not without nature and it's possible maker, even if he appears to be fully finished with his work, just as my parents are with my pro-creation event. and I am not quoting Nietzsche here.
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
Me phis: "--They're only laws if they work all the time, and God playing about with them kind of messes with that.
Who says he/she is messing with the laws? The bible says so? It is all discredited, just exaggerated stories. The genius of creation/ nature is that the laws do not have to be tinkerd with to work, even for life. The universe is on autopilot, it appears.