Fisherman: "--, time inside the ship has one form, outside the ship another form. What form does time take in a nonexistent realm outside --? The way I see it, time has always the same form as a 4st dimension, that can have existed even without the 3 space directions. It is just because of the difference in velocities, movement through time, it is seen differently inside and outside the ship, or the universe for that matter, just like cars will travel at different speeds on a highway. Think of the twin paradox, the traveller returns younger than the stay at home twin, at high speeds through space he has travelled less through the time dimension. I think of time as stationary, and nothing was moving through time before the beginning of our universe. that is how a possible creator can be eternal, uncreated, he never moved through time. He does not have to travel to the future, he is already there. always has been.