What is a Universe but a set or category inclusive of "ALL"?
(ALL of something vs. ALL of nothing.)
Perry tells us that God exists OUTSIDE of the universe and the spacetime continuum.
If a Universe is ALL there is, how can anybody or anything exist outside
Interesting that in German, , the Universe is actually called "das ALL", the word you used. The argument is however not only about the Universe, the ALL now, but the conditions prior to its existence. The ALL had clearly a different form before the beginning of space and matter, that we experience as we move through time. If you read the works of Krauss, Penrose, you will discover they do not define the void, the "nothing" before our concrete universe as truly empty. By extension, the condition "outside" our expanding universe might not be truly empty, an absolute void either. We might not be the only universe in the cosmos either, get used to the idea.It is within the realm of currentthought that what we consider "all" is within a greater cosmos. Perry's idea is a simple one by comparison,- just us and a creator, he/she, having used some of his energy and time to cook up our world?