Fisherman: "--Using 1992 as a reference point limit (fwf died in that year.) -- to redo this, using Franz's statistics: : 1992-1914= 78, (years of his underlapped group), then 1992+87=2070, ( add similar overlapping group) and as Splane said, there are older "anointed" no doubt, so to make it a nice rememberable number :-- 2075 a good centennial of failure.
JoinedPosts by prologos
JW Video Armageddon to occur before 2040
by Listener insorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040..
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Perry, do you realize the bible is wrong on the age of the Earth at both end of the scale? in Gen. 1:1 it is 13.8 years old, existing since the beginning, and now you tell us it is only thousands of years?
Pretty funny JW story - Daily Mail UK
by Dagney inseriously, you have to read the comments.
just a peek into what the general public think about jw's coming to their doors..
we had a good giggle over this.
looking for the massage of the kingdom? our defense in situations like that : keep unflinching eye contact. -
May 21, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS Re: Annual Items for 2017
by wifibandit inmay 21, 2016 to all congregations re: annual items for 2017.
snowbird: "Requesting printed bound volumes is discouraged. bound volumes were always interesting, as the wording was often changed from the original magazines to correct errors, even in doctrine. wt must hate any paper records they have left, and do not want to leave any in bound volumes, even if revised, if they can avoid it. right millie! -
Oldest Person Alive
by bemused infollowing the death of susannah jones of the us on 12 may 2016, the oldest person alive today is emma morano of italy.. many years ago i remember my recently converted relative desperately trying to convince me that i too should become a witness because the world was certain to end before the last person who was 15 or older at the outbreak of the first world war had passed away, so time was short if i was to have any hope of reaching paradise etc etc.. i didn't become a witness and, although i know that jw doctrine has changed since then, it's interesting to note that the late ms jones was born on 6 july 1899 so had just reached 15 when ww1 started on 28 july 1914; ms morano was born on 29 november 1914 so was only 14 at the outbreak of war.
there is no one living who was 15 or older at the beginning of ww1.
i wonder if my relative and other zealous witnesses from that period ever reflect on the nonsense they were preaching then?.
The 120 year upper limit for our organ's health is not going to solve the wt's generation problem, normal, or not = anointed overlapping, because for the generation members to survive they have to be baptized, loyal , so even if they concentrate on the senior homes, where are the supercentenarian numbers? -
HGTV special . Small Bunker homes for JW's
by Quarterback ini've been reading so much lately about the pre message of the rc is about downsizing and living in bunkers.. are we getting ahead of ourselves?
living within your means has been a good piece of advice.
i do have a big house, but along with that i have to pay extra to heat it, extra work to clean it, more on residential taxes, worries about the volatile house market.
it depends where you live, Mortgages might be tax deductible: USA, income from increased house value tax free: Canada, and a small Bunker home is approaches the 2 Million $ price in some cities. Besides we want to help wt prophecies to be fulfilled, right? " --they will build houses--" -
"The Bunker" WT Conventions 2016 (Gag Me)
by Poztate inin the very near future the gang will be down in a bunker,cellar awaiting the police,military to break in and take them away to camps or executions .
(paranoid much) this is the foretold "prophecy" of the governments turning on religion and saving them for last.since the couple portrayed as simplifying their life by getting rid of a lot of material things is shown to be (about) the same age in the bunker we know it must be any minute now that it will happen.
i have been out for over 35 years and things seem to be getting more bizarre each year.. when did this doctrine really become main stream?
This Bunker thing is the " contrary to reason, human wisdom" idea, that wt wants to spread. Jesus in the "last days prophecy " said to "flee to the mountains "to disperse, create such a diffuse target that the "enemy" can not focus, in other words Up, not down, wt has a dismal record or? -
Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
Fisherman: "UC, 100+ years of doomsday preaching that the world is going to end has a limit. -- not for the wt it has'nt. Do not forget, They preached in 1918: "THE WORLD HAS ENDED--" page 426 the Proclaimers book, It the world can have ended in 1918, invisibly, it can end again.
Another, endless generation, with an endless ending. What goes around, comes around, with a wt twist.
2 Corinthians Huddled In a Bunker
by snowbird inthey were joined later by a group of romans, galatians, ephesians, philippians, and thessalonians.. 4 colossians showed up 16 days later.. not one laodicean was ever seen.. sylvia.
and the Beroeans wondered "whether these things were really so? whether this the way to go? down all the way?
sliding fast beat me to it.while I was typing. congrats.
Random Musings
by dubstepped inevery so often something strikes me about the dubs or bible as i read on here or just think.
not all are topic worthy, but i like thinking about things in different ways and when others share little things that struck them.
i'll share two for now, feel free to add your own to the list.. i was thinking the other day about the scripture saying the "for a certainty i perceive that god is not partial".
There were no carnivores before the flood, so why would the author of that situation favor the offering of carrion by Abel over the good vegetables of Cain? and what happened to all the carrion not sacrificed during the pre-flood creative days?