DM: "I suspect that the name "Jonadab" fell into disuse in the mid to late 1940s when the designation.
Was not the mandatory classification "anointed" , and/or "Jonadab", used on the Publisher record card until the late 1950s?
please note that when you tell me of the corrections i need to make that this is a simplfied, minimalist presentation dealing with the society's appointment in 1919.. it is available as a powerpoint show: .
and as a pdf:
DM: "I suspect that the name "Jonadab" fell into disuse in the mid to late 1940s when the designation.
Was not the mandatory classification "anointed" , and/or "Jonadab", used on the Publisher record card until the late 1950s?
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040..
The two men, Flodin and Splane clearly appear rattled when having to address this subject. , if you knew them in more confident, up times. They must know the implications, that the piggybacking of generations is dishonest, and even if it would be going off as planned, it could be still 6 decades before "all these things" are done.
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GG: "The bible's account is incorrect, plain and simple. Mainly because the bible promotes the Old Earth theory, our planet as old as the universe, and the seven day sequence, out of order.
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040..
problemaddict2: "--He then goes on to double talk saying that nowhere is it said the overlapping generation members need to be "old and decrepit" when the end comes. This insinuates instead it will be sooner. -- yeah, but their prime example of the first group, FFranz was old and decrepit when that group expired. others in the group possibly even older, according to the Splane insert. So: in the overlapping group also,--older still--making 2075 an "assured expectation"
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040..
juanvasques88: "a freudian slip on minute 6:13: "Jesus said: this generation will pass away...will NOT pass away"
as a psychoanalyst this mean a lot. -- Not just Freud, wt actually teaches what the man inadvertently blurted out.
wt teaches that the generation will pass away before the end , before Armageddon, (included in "all these things"). A big deal, for it sinks their whole "anointed generation" doctrine. and
Splane clearly implied that there could be older anointed than F.Franz in the first group, but older ones also in the overlappers, giving a window beyond 2075.
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040..
Fisherman: "--Using 1992 as a reference point limit (fwf died in that year.) -- to redo this, using Franz's statistics: : 1992-1914= 78, (years of his underlapped group), then 1992+87=2070, ( add similar overlapping group) and as Splane said, there are older "anointed" no doubt, so to make it a nice rememberable number :-- 2075 a good centennial of failure.
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Perry, do you realize the bible is wrong on the age of the Earth at both end of the scale? in Gen. 1:1 it is 13.8 years old, existing since the beginning, and now you tell us it is only thousands of years?
seriously, you have to read the comments.
just a peek into what the general public think about jw's coming to their doors..
we had a good giggle over this.
may 21, 2016 to all congregations re: annual items for 2017.
following the death of susannah jones of the us on 12 may 2016, the oldest person alive today is emma morano of italy.. many years ago i remember my recently converted relative desperately trying to convince me that i too should become a witness because the world was certain to end before the last person who was 15 or older at the outbreak of the first world war had passed away, so time was short if i was to have any hope of reaching paradise etc etc.. i didn't become a witness and, although i know that jw doctrine has changed since then, it's interesting to note that the late ms jones was born on 6 july 1899 so had just reached 15 when ww1 started on 28 july 1914; ms morano was born on 29 november 1914 so was only 14 at the outbreak of war.
there is no one living who was 15 or older at the beginning of ww1.
i wonder if my relative and other zealous witnesses from that period ever reflect on the nonsense they were preaching then?.