Come to think of it the only mention of relieving ones self was a pagan, was he not? --
how about david standing back as Saul did his job in a cave with lifted coat tails? cavemen all.
tell him that jesus probably didn't get married or it would have mentioned it in the bible, but at the same time we can't be 100% sure he didn't get married because it doesn't specifically say he didn't get married.
stand back watch fireworks.. i thought it was a pretty reasonable thing to say.
Come to think of it the only mention of relieving ones self was a pagan, was he not? --
how about david standing back as Saul did his job in a cave with lifted coat tails? cavemen all.
have we noticed how the videos that are being shown at the 2016 convention manipulatively try to misdirect from the real issues?.
the video showing the daughter "leaving the truth" and leaving (kicked out) home has been designed to show that her life falls apart because she "left the truth".. then the video series about the "persecution" paranoia speaks about a brother who is not being saved with them in the basement "because he let fear of man etc" affect him.
then the video all about sergei's life speaks about his old friend who "let information about the truth make him have doubts" and he is no longer "in the truth" with them...and made out like it is worse than murdering and eating a kitten!.
great points. Of what little I watched, listened to, the supposed potential causes for being "not saved" seem trivial, like not appreciating counsel, for example.-- the shallowest, no substance - convention ever, shaping the kind of jw the org likes.
in behalf of the horrific events of saturday night, i just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that islam is a religion of peace.
it doesn’t matter that the quran explicitly says that homosexuals should be stoned to death (7:84) - it’s still a religion of peace.
and it doesn’t matter that the scriptures say that all gay men should be killed (sunan 1:152) - islam doesn’t in anyway condone violence.. it doesn’t matter that every mainstream imam calls homosexuality a sin "worse the adultery" - it’s not a religion of bigotry.. it doesn’t matter that 61% of muslims in the uk think gay acts should be made illegal - islam has nothing against the gay community.. it doesn’t matter that countries with sharia law actively persecute the lgbt community - islam is all about peace and love.
He justified his action with his religion. Not much different from SS who burned Slavic villages from Czech to Russia down to Serbia because their National Socialist ideology considered Slavs inferior. Kalk.
Glad you brought in the comparison to war, for this one is fought on many fronts too. and war has it's Lidices, Oradours, May Lays and Dresdens. and Orlandos? All targets are perceived to be inferior.
i have started seeing requests for contributions at the bottom of the screen.. why the change?
if it would be the real thing, many faders could not contribute, because it would show up on their joint account statements, and the auditor would have a way to nail the place where your heart is.
shower room.
games room.
It is how they prove they are spirit directed. The early congregation too was proved to have received the transfer of god's approval in connection with language, Pentecost. no translation needed though. Like Simon said: --learn Chinese" instead, because that property bargain, bought at around ~ 1000 000,- will be worth 8 888 888,- soon, if the worldwide trend continues. and
like the appreciated properties in Brooklyn, this gem is near a last bridge before the sea? sorry, now Verrazano.
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
"The Watchtower Organization in 2014 made the purchase for $ 1,425,400.00." -- that is what I call a bargain.
it's interesting to observe that in all aspects of life, leaders are accountable to those they lead.. politicians must fulfil their promises, or they are replaced from government.. business corporate leaders like ceos must perform, or they are replaced.. sports coaches and trainers must win, or they are replaced.. yet there are leaders who have often been wrong, have made serious ,mistakes and failed predictions that have impacted the lives of millions.. they have dictated decisions for the lives of millions, yet they can't even be questioned...even in a sincere or polite manner..
Since it is not given to man to direct his own step, how dare wt (imperfect) demand lock-step obedience of their followers at pain of disfellowshipping? blind obedience = kadavergehorsam , because you are dead one way or another.
lately there have been ads apparently giving the opportunity to share in keeping this site afloat.
just checking--are they really from you?
I'd hate to have anybody give to a fraudulent site. or have our personal information and up in the wrong hands.
attendance: 2298.
baptized: 4.
enjoy looking at the math on that one.... .
yeah, that is showing wisdom at work, but not all is in that range. there were ~ 20 baptized, Mixed young & old at another ~3 k attendence regional reception.
read the news here.
the jehovah's witnesses lost their appeal to the supreme court of russia.
bethel to be liquidated.. i bet the gb saw this coming ... here comes the persecution complex paranoia.
""– Russia’s Supreme Court on Thursday banned the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Belgorod as extremist organization, RAPSI reports from the courtroom.--""
It appears to be the Supreme court upholding the decision of another regional power to ban the WTBtS congregations.
Russia is on the warpath again, arming, agitating world wide, and much of the population, regional powers, supporting , loving the sentiment. The refusenik attitude of the JWs does not sit well with the militarists, they might see it as an Amerikan group trying to weaken the Mother bear's determination to bring all her children into her rightful territory