bs mart: "If he did create life, he walked away 10 minutes later.
If he did, could you at least concede that he is walking backward, still " -- is watching us from a distance"?
anyone else also hold this view or understand it at least, or do you feel the need to argue that both can in no way coexist?.
bs mart: "If he did create life, he walked away 10 minutes later.
If he did, could you at least concede that he is walking backward, still " -- is watching us from a distance"?
while i am not able to recall them all at this time, i remember so many instances that when a number was quoted in the bible, especially large numbers, they were all "rounded up" to the nearest hundred or thousand.
for instance the angel killed 185,000 syrians, not 184,879. sampson killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass, not 961. and on and on on the even rounded numbers.
i would guess that it could be agues that these numbers were correct but is that realistic?
how about the number 100? figured big with the wtBIBLEtsociety, when they celebrated 100 years of kingdom rule, the enthronement, but jehovah obviously did not share their enthusiasm, showing that by not providing any fireworks at all in 2014, but wait, another anniversary is coming up, 2019, 100 years of F&DSlave. feeding;--- chucks, the start was on an uneven date:-- 1919.
this week they finish up a chapter in the "imitate their faith" book about peter.
they cover the account of jesus walking on water.
in the story peter also walks on the water out to jesus.
Peter the rock is praised for slowly developing rock-like , doubt-free faith, but he could not find the rocks on the lake bottom to stand on, so of course he was sinking. sickening Hansel&Gretel -like fables hitchhiked by wt.
so, i was speaking with a relative recently, who is "in" the borg, but is completely aware of the terrible hypocrisy from the gb down.
he is not in the box, and its great to be able to have a realistic, and logical discussion about the current state of the org.. we started discussing, specifically, about that bunker video that was released in december.
how it is being played at all the conventions.
the message is: it is not going to be like the flood, where the survivors were the only ones totally unscathed. They picture the creator (if any) totally impotent as a protector. not unlike a recent "old lady" video shown at the hall, where it ends with an image of what could be an ancient "contribution box" or an urn for your ashes. or both combined.
this week they finish up a chapter in the "imitate their faith" book about peter.
they cover the account of jesus walking on water.
in the story peter also walks on the water out to jesus.
I could not believe all these people taking the idea of walking on water seriously. No doubt at all. None of these people can be taken seriously, they believe you can walk on water. jesus looked really like surfing in those waves. 2 things that are common here, 1)Nobody ever walked on water, 2)wt made never a prediction that came true.(snare&racket notwithstanding).
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
cofty: "--- regarding suffering--
suffering is a fact of life, so must be a valuable part of the successful evolution process. example: effort, like flight for example hurts, so birds find ways to minimize drag, fly in v-formations, Pain might be a way to offer aching members of your species to predators, in preference to your young. In balance by being alive and sharing the glory of life, you must inflict pain on your surroundings you live off, so, don't complain, think of the contribution you make to the development of the great life experience Our guidance in biological development, pain abatement fits right in.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
the word logic should not be part of 'theology' so, it is even below the norm of a theory, whereas the evolution, ongoing development of life seems logical, the process has followed a great path, the starting conditions must have made it possible.
i haven`t seen much if anything on the rio olympic games on this forum , i can`t believe their is so little interest in such a sporting event that is televised world wide.. i don`t get to watch everything , but events i do like to see when i can are,track and field ,gymnastics ,swimming , diving ,and their are a few other sports i will watch when they are on , especially if an australian is involved.. how about you ?
whats your favourite sport to watch ?.
has the "drug" issue affected your view of the games ?
The Olympic maschine is a lot like the watchtower, some of the athletes work their guts out, but it is the big shots the ORG, that reaps the benefits. case in point Jesse Owens, 1936.
i haven`t seen much if anything on the rio olympic games on this forum , i can`t believe their is so little interest in such a sporting event that is televised world wide.. i don`t get to watch everything , but events i do like to see when i can are,track and field ,gymnastics ,swimming , diving ,and their are a few other sports i will watch when they are on , especially if an australian is involved.. how about you ?
whats your favourite sport to watch ?.
has the "drug" issue affected your view of the games ?
It is great to see the young faces, minds, bodies doing the best mankind can do, the great feats, right now. watched olympics since 1936, on television .
in another thread there's a discussion about how the show must go on and meetings weren't even slowed down by the deaths or medical emergencies of ones in the audience.
for instance, one young brother's unbelieving father was murdered locally.
not long afterward he's assigned a part on an assembly about the resurrection or something.
Waeo: "Its the luck of the draw, plain and simple.
like my teenage son assigned to read the psalm: "--forgive me the sins of my youth--"