Twich: "It's only scientific if published reviewed and approved by others in the field of study
are you not wrongly limiting "scientific" to the sci-establishment? great seminal work has been done by those unimpeded by the burden of past scientific teachings. Patterns recurring in seemingly unrelated fields can lead to insights into underlying hidden relationships. valid work done by amateurs does not suddenly shift to "scientific" when it receives the imprimatur of some institution. of course, the establishment fighting tooth and nail against crackpot ideas has a cleansing effect, but real, revolutionary, progress in science has often come from non-establishment work. but: Insight into the deeper workings of a system often comes by studying where reality deviates from the predicted finding patterns matters. PS: In the solar system we are embedded in a complex pattern of resonances, appearing in regular number sequences, patterns that made it possible to remain stable long enough for us to contemplate it. or as a visible clue to allow a gossamer structure like the rings of Saturn to persist.