recording would bring wt closer to the instruction by Jesus of an open forum procedure, " before all", or "the gate" the most open area of the old testament cities. Wt does not like to be held to biblical standards,
JoinedPosts by prologos
Why cant Judicial Committees be taped?
by HereIgo ini have never understood this.
was it because of legal reasons?
i cant think of any other reason why it wouldn't be allowed, but i know the elders ask you repeatedly that you are not taping.
What if Jesus Christ was not put to death by the Romans but instead died a natural death?
by deegee inaccording to christianity, the death of jesus was a miscarriage of justice.
so then, what if there was no so-called miscarriage of justice so that jesus was not put to death by the romans but he instead died a natural death?
would christians still receive the forgiveness of their sins and their hoped for salvation?.
sd: "Death by cross was probly considered a "natural" death in the first century
Most dying is because of starvation, of one kind of another, crucifixion starved the body of oxygen, stressed the weak, imperfect heart, sterben=starving.
Is this true
by pepperheart inhi ive heard a romour that any jws that want a printed copy of the new song book to use at the kh will have to order one otherwise they will not get one.ithink they are trying to make people use tablets to view the song book.
as the new songbook is only 154 pages is this yet another money saving event in the borg .
they project the lyrics on the kh screens now, so even a tablet is not needed.
the new understanding
by heathen inhi guys , i know i was never a favorite here and haven't posted in awhile ... question .
what do you think of the new understanding of , " this generation " they seem to go in circles on this one big time , once 1914 generation was almost gone they said they didn't know what it meant and now in the new publication the generation includes the second generation after 1914 .... i agree they don't know what they are talking about and this is just another control move .
any comments ?.
1) talking of boundary markers: Jesus speaking to future members of the first non-wt Governing Body, Acts 1:7: " It is not given to you to understand times and seasons, which the father has put in his own jurisdiction" or (out of bounds). Perhaps Splane thinks it does not apply to him because Peter John and Matthew were not part of the Faithful Slave, but he is?
2) The other time boundary that jesus set, was with the generation. he said: it " --will not pass away until all these things " predicted, (including the end, after Armageddon), would occur; but with the anointed generation, wt has moved the time marker forward, with the anointed generation ending before Armageddon, when they are raptured off the earth.
What if Jesus Christ was not put to death by the Romans but instead died a natural death?
by deegee inaccording to christianity, the death of jesus was a miscarriage of justice.
so then, what if there was no so-called miscarriage of justice so that jesus was not put to death by the romans but he instead died a natural death?
would christians still receive the forgiveness of their sins and their hoped for salvation?.
According to the talking snake story, wt version, even imperfect men can live ~ 1000 years, so a natural death of Jesus would have to be postponed to double that? he would be alive today waiting for his natural death and driving his life insurance annuity provider into bankruptcy.
Question About David
by berrygerry in1 samuel 15:22 famous wt verse emphasizing obedience.. if saul was severely disciplined for offering a burnt sacrifice, then what's going on with david in 2 samuel 6?.
17they brought the ark of the lord and set it in its place inside the tent that david had pitched for it, and david sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings before the lord.
18 after he had finished sacrificing the burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, he blessed the people in the name of thelord almighty.
The reason why wt writers like David so much ,is, that he got away with violating every law on the books, his victims were punished, and wt's history and it's future is full of the same sordid goings - on. They hope they can get away with it too.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
To carry on the creative process of the cosmos.
Don't touch ark of covenant
by Chook ini raised an issue with a co once about an elders qualifications, he visited my house and in no uncertain terms said don't touch ark of covenant ( referring to elder as ark ) , i was gob smacked then he said to wife and i that if we pursued such an avenue we could be grieving gods holy spirit.
so ther you go elder are on par with god ..
berrygerry" "Another death caused by David. David ordered the Ark to be moved, and organized the move.
good point and according to ps. 27:4 he liked to hang around in the house of god (the tent) , but it was forbiiden by penalty of death to be only the domain of the priests, Levites and not of the tribe of Judah The ark was supposed to be carried on poles with flexible 8 legged earth contact, not wheels on unpaved roads. where there not carry-on movies?
2016 annual meeting
by obarac injust a few minutes till the start ..... we hope for a news from absalom and wifibandit very soon.. wifibandit, any tread on reddit for am?.
also there were some info about live stream.
any news about that..
listener: "The JWs would have a very hard time adapting due to coffee breaks being ruled out.
or the rewarding glass to relax after the disturbing meetings, but we would have so many more elders, all the h2h ministers , young men are elders. it's a long way though, from New Jersey to Salt Lake City. Imagine David Splane conducting the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, tabernac.
the new understanding
by heathen inhi guys , i know i was never a favorite here and haven't posted in awhile ... question .
what do you think of the new understanding of , " this generation " they seem to go in circles on this one big time , once 1914 generation was almost gone they said they didn't know what it meant and now in the new publication the generation includes the second generation after 1914 .... i agree they don't know what they are talking about and this is just another control move .
any comments ?.
Fisherman: "--at least some of JC disciples would see " all these things happening." 1914 is written in stone.
JC was talking to disciples that were not anointed yet, but would be at Pentecost. But according to "new understanding" he was talking about the overlapping anointed, and if wt is right, none of the anointed will ever be alive as humans to experience "all these things happening" They will have died, raptured before.
Uncantnme: "Couple of weeks ago someone told me they have a person in their congregation of nearly 110David Splane allowed for other anointed to be older than Franz who died at 99 in 19192. Franz the second would bring us to ~ 2075, two overlapping supercentenarians to 2095, which in cosmic time is soon.