2016 annual meeting

by obarac 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • obarac

    Just a few minutes till the start ....

    We hope for a news from Absalom and Wifibandit very soon.

    Wifibandit, any tread on reddit for AM?

    Also there were some info about live stream. Any news about that.

  • RobertT18

    Wonder what's new.

  • The Big Machine
    The Big Machine

    Absalom posted in a thread on Reddit before the meeting started that rumour is there is going to be a new GB member announced.

  • obarac

    This guy is Seth Hyat Rocky.

    So Rocky in GB

    Interesting ...

  • TheWonderofYou

    He's de good brother from the latest broadcast isnt he?

  • Gorbatchov

    That means Seth Hyat made a recent shift from great crowd to anointend.

    That is one of the great miracles for me. That recent called anointed make direct progress to the board of directors.

  • Sliced

    Unreal! I cannot believe it will be Rocky. I had heard rumors it would be- and when the heck did he suddenly realize he had a "heavenly calling???" Seriously... erghhhh

  • wifibandit

    Absalom is updating via reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/55d2up/any_news_from_the_agm/

    I'm here program starts in an hour. Everyone is tight lipped. Rumor is the Rocky guy from sept broadcast is being promoted to gb. I'll let every one know soon


    First hour two videos about how great Warwick is. Then released new song book available Monday. Now interviewing dr at bethel
    Here is a picture of Seth "Rocky" Hyatt & David Splane:

  • wifibandit


    Ps 37:3 trust in jag do good is theme text for next year Next year annual meeting will be broadcast at all assembly halls

    Absalom confirms what was posted to extj.com forum:

  • The Big Machine
    The Big Machine

    On the exjw Reddit, Absalom said that next year's annual meeting will be broadcast to all assembly halls at the same time. Something big coming next year?

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