Fisherman, I am not thinking tactically, but strategically, to my mind, and having lived under formations of hundreds of bombers, and the new weapons-, Rev 11:18 is not triggered, if at all, by anything we have seen so far. In a MAD exchange, Survivors in the periphery of a prime target area like warwick, will wish they had stayed put in the center. but, remember, the great tribulation intervention will only come under one condition, --that there really was a walking, talking snake.
ps. Jesus said, that the generation will survive all these things, the end, the GT, Armageddon. That is why it would make sense to build where it conceivable really is out of harms way. The wt problem is, this safety thing is in contradiction to their doctrine; because the generation's cream, the GB & anointed are not supposed to survive, but die and be raptured before the fireworks even gets close to starting.