TD: yes your points refuting the wt doctrines are more detailed than my simplistic " here are the facts", and they are funny' treatment. I hope many lurkers can see the futility, the contradictions. thank you.
: "--Any way you look at it, an "Earthly hope" is not a doctrine that can be taught longer than about a generation or so.: Yes if you a mean a generation that will never die, one generation at a time. never die 1918. never die 1935, never die 1975 -- ad infini.
: :--allowing for the existence of "Other Sheep" in the Christian era who are not "Identical with that "great crowd"" removes that reward. Explain please ? The Christian Era is ~ 2000 years, , the Great Crowd aspirant time slot only 80-100 long. I thought wt taught that all but the anointed (about 80 per year) would be sheeplike resurrected on the Earth , like the Catholic " --I believe in the resurrection of the flesh--"?