What I meant to show is, that
the "Overlapping modern day Methuselahs" would have gotten the 1914 generation promise to 2154. wait until the inventive wt bean counters switch from $s to generation timing teachings.
it has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
What I meant to show is, that
the "Overlapping modern day Methuselahs" would have gotten the 1914 generation promise to 2154. wait until the inventive wt bean counters switch from $s to generation timing teachings.
it has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
TD: "Much more than the word games we have seen so far with the definition of a generation. good description!
V7: these are good reminders, and hidden in these word game changes are actually 4 shortenings of the time wt has available to play with:
1) the change from general population to anointed : There are record breakers living into their 120s, Frederick Franz lived to only 98 ? a give away of ->22 years;
2) the change from normal people to partakers made the count start at the generation member's baptism ( before ~ 1935), or year of first partaking; so,-lop off another 15 years at best. -37 total.
3) The change to overlapping anointed , rather than overlapping 122 year gp seniors, would make that -74 years.
4) By excluding Armageddon from "all the things" that are to occur during the anointed* generation, wt writers took out, shortening it by the heavy, the fun part, the climax, perhaps the denouement too, #. . .> -7 years, because * the last anointed standing will be martyred , called to heaven, raptured, well before the final battle in order to participate! and they used to teach that the last partakers would survive into the new world , # if you include the 7 year cleanup. so:
A repetition of F. Franz gets us close to 2075, the missed opportunities in the games of words could get the wt to 2156 ?, without blinking an eye, or perhaps we see them already winking? it is all a game of heavenly thrones, & words?
april 26, 2016 to all congregations re: god’s kingdom rules!
to be considered at congregation bible study.
I sped read through it when it first came out. speed reading reading with one eye starting at the bottom, with the other at the top simultaneously, and not a peep of "jesus' rule touching "his enemies", no, only over the congregation, "jesus" orchestrating every move of the newly minted, but only lately discovered F&DS of 1919. and
is that not the case since Pentecost, according to Colossians 1:13, "transfered them into the KINGDOM of his son's love--?"
it has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
TD; "--What possible incentive is that to be faithful????? "Perhaps the reward is not in the failing future fulfillment promises , but in a life well lived.. It should make the reward seeker livid. or?
What I liked to point out is, that with about 80 per year sealed for heaven, it is evident that most believers always were destined for earthly live, like it or not, according to wt doctrine. The earthly class started with Abel, the vegetarian arrion sacrificer, ~6000 years ago, not in 1935.
may 2, 2016 to all congregations in the united states branch territory re: entrance time at regional conventions.
Zeb: "I asked once for the early arrivers to be guided by parking attendants to the farthest part of the parking.--"
good request. how about applying "The first will be last?"
anyway, what is so important about seats? how much will you really learn, remember? and really want to?
many people find it difficult to reconcile suffering and existence of god.
it seems they feel that it is god’s obligation to shield humans from ill-effects of their short-sighted acts..
people’s hobby has something to do with this kind of reasoning!
LR: "--Either he doesn't exist or he isn't a loving, heavenly father. I vote he doesn't exist."
We humans are the top predator. do we think about the animals whose family life we have disrupted by our appetite for meat? In a well functioning, healthy, universe. Success does not suck, but has to be rewarded. so: enjoy life that you have, as it is, after all you are the latest in a line of succeeders. The tragedy of a giraffe baby, or elephant eaten by hyenas is the price paid for having any forest at all, herbivores unchecked would denude the earth of chlorophyll. If your vote stands, the universe made itself. quite a feat.
there is no typical jw personality type.. any of us who were in the religion for a number of years will remember all sorts of individuals.
there is as much variety among jws as there is in the general population.
some were arrogant and judgemental but others were humble and kindly.
there is no typical jw personality type.. any of us who were in the religion for a number of years will remember all sorts of individuals.
there is as much variety among jws as there is in the general population.
some were arrogant and judgemental but others were humble and kindly.
The wt mindset is anchored in the downward spiral of mankind since Eve's perfection. and of course that negates the astonishing improvements in humans and their accomplishments. It is kind of a fatalism. and then the constant thwarting of human advancement by "god": the flood, the tower of babel, and then Satan's world rule. Only service and contribution to wt will cure all that. "angst" to the german mind might not be the right word, it means fear. It is more of a pessimism, fatalism channeled into useless non self improvement, aka religion. a good thing to be aware of cofty. thanks.
There can of course, be real cause for "welt angst" if condition take an uncontrollable turn south, new "leaders", new weapons.