JoinedPosts by prologos
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
C" "--We're just unsure of the .mechanisms involved. and it is this ongoing uncertainty that opens the way to the thinking, that something not as uncertain as us was in a remote way involved in the beginning, the origin, the one and only un-caused cause. -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
cofty: "First christians failed to explain why the bible is full of flaws, contradictions and deplorable ethics.
Then they lost the argument about evolution.
Now they retreat into cosmic origins and deism.
You pointed out a big change in the nature of the debate, and the subject at hand; whereas research on the bible is about an ancient, man-made book, and it's guessing at origins,-- but--the contemplation of the processes of life's developments, it's origin and then the existence of the cosmos, it's laws, energy, laws, that debate, research deals with another level of interest altogether, --nature's reality.
To pry understanding out of the big universe we live in, takes great work. why is it so hard to realise that it must have taken even greater work to create all this in the first place?
Deism, belief in a creator might not a last retreat but a first proposition.
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Another generation....
by joey jojo init has been 21 years since the 1995 article that pretty much buried the idea of the '1914 generation'.. remember those guys?
the ones born in 1914 that would still be alive when the end of the system arrived.. i'm glad i'm old enough to remember going from door to door, preaching this belief.
the reason i say that is because i have a lot of 'still in' jw friends and family.
TD: "You have zero prospect of surviving an event you will never live to see. agreed, since the the GC and the GT are all "talking snake book" features; so I look at all this only as to prove the internal failures, inconsistencies of wt doctrine.The Great crowd only exists after Armageddon, perhaps even past the post-millennial final test, for they pronounce themselves as "saved" "--salvation we owe--"
and are supposed never dying, so they don't pay for their "sins" with their personal death, so they have to work at that for thousand years, so where is the ransom value in that. ? Pity the generation that shares time with the overlapping anointed groups.
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Perry: "-- there is no such thing as before and after, just the eternal now.--" Well, the now might be moving along eternally, but by itself it is not eternal, just the opposite it has zero length. and if the movement of the now stops, like at the speed of light or with a black hole, time has not gone poof: " I am gone", it is alive and well in the surroundings, the observers. and the universe is not only expanding, it had an inflationary period, and is still accelerating with an excess,- or added energy. so, perhaps what you call "no time" is actually more time, but not at our disposal. time as an eternal now, but not at our disposal? -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
F: "--always--" the moment you think that, say that you accept , that time always existed. But time is not god, or love or light, as the bible says, but certainly a supposed creator would have all the time in and outside the world.
X: "--crashing --suns going supernova, --" The events you described are the best things that ever happened for us. It had to be big, it is not called the big bang for nothing. caring? well it is here because the first cause might not have to be caused .
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
P: "--What Caused the Universe to exist?
GrrT "--Indeed, and what caused th Causer to exist?
M: "Not sure how that helps with Perry's problem here?
Mephis, --You introduced the very interesting term "linear time" not much different from one dimensional time, or the "arrow of time". What I like Perry to consider is that time is more pervasive than that, Any entity in stationary time would not be subject to the law of cause and effect, that our movement through time subjects us to. Time not as a flowing river, but an endless ocean, through which we move, surf (life riding a wave of energy), To quote he discredited bible," --Hovered over the [endless] water--"
kalk: "he spent 3.5 years examining the Christian religion and found its follower among couple crazies in USA charged with sedition." but "he" liked the idea of the world ending invisibly, and defrocking the apostles as the faithful slave and installing the crazies, "The millions will never die " fxx prophets, the future generation under-lappers. -
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Me phis: "If you can demonstrate that intelligent life exists outside of that paradigm, please do. Otherwise I'm not seeing what point you're attempting to make with that post."
Nowhere did I mention intelligent or organic life did I?
my point is like yours, in a way, There had to be time to start anything, even the actions that current theories ascribe to a self-starting the universe. My point is there is a huge difference between time as such and our current, compulsory movement through that 4st dimension.
Beliefs About What Caused the Universe
by Perry inthe universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Mephis: "Here's a simple truth. To perform an action, any action, takes time - no matter how brief a moment or how long. Linear time began with the big bang so far as our physics allows us to tell currently. So how is an action performed in the absence of time? ---"
Why say that time is linear, one dimensional? In our graphs it is always at right angles to any of the three space dimensions. Time is more pervasive than space dimensions, and can therefore predate space. When we speak of time we really mean movement through time, and that does not have to be, and perhaps was not for an eternity.
M: "--To perform an action, any action, takes time perform an action, any action, takes time ---"- true, and there probably was time, plenty of it, stationary time, for always. and:without movement through time, no sequencing, who needs a cause? Flag Dislike Like
Today's Text - Be Humble & Don't Judge (The Exact OPPOSITE Of What JW's Do!)
by Divergent inanother nauseating text which proves conclusively that jw's do not practise what they preach!.
monday, may 9. who are you to be judging your neighbor?—jas.
4:12.. humility restrains us from overstepping our authority.
comment during daily text" bye bye gossip bye bye judging elders. by the way they are only judging themselves anyway.