Was the 1935 " great multitude" event not a case of 'Vox populi, vox dei' ? believing that the 144 000 started with the 12 apostles, the 120 pentecostals, the exclusive "anointed " club had run out of places, too many partakers. so, dovetailing with the "millions will never die--" idea, They proposed this new earthly branch of sub-christianity, catering to the demand.
Unless wt will declare the 144 000 to be sealed only "in the Lord's day" since 1914, (they have done that to the F&DS after all, cancelling the 12 apostles & Paul), it is clear, that the church expected a new Heavens, but also a New Earth, a fleshly resurrection, and a sealing of rulers, priest out of the general populace during all that time. Wt took it to the extreme, making for a really very crowded Earth (despite paradise illustrations) and a very empty heavens, bigger than the Universe, but with 144 000 newcomers only. vox populi, vox dei. ?