Fisherman: "-- But since God's HS points to the wt, I must go along with it and that is my position. Inspite of that, one cannot go around teaching that--" If you still go form H2H, you are teaching that though, including the overlapping group anointed generation to last possibly to 2075. We went to the doors with the premise, that we are right, and the householder is wrong. well look back to the "superior Authority" fiasko.just as one example.
Of course wt writer want to make sense of it all, score any hit like they did in 1914, although except the date, everything was wrong. so did early bible writers, guessing how creatin works, no help from the creator or His Spirit whatsoever. so, TD has a point, there always are generations coming and going. Look to science what it generates in the generations to come.