The content of these files, if opened, might be far more disastrous to the wt, even financially, then the fee they have to pay to keep it away from public scrutiny. their record keeping might prove as slovenly as their effort to help future victims.
JoinedPosts by prologos
Judge sanctions WTS - $4k per day penalty for not producing sex abuse documents
by Simon injudge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
Assembly Hall and Gentleman's Club
by sp74bb inthe spanish exjw forum is burning fire with the massive sale of jw kingdom halls and an assembly hall in spain, each week new listing places appears.
would jw survive in this country??
surprisingly the sources have found that a real estate agency named "benialsa" is massively promoting the sales..
f: "--overlap?
witnesses overlapping on the highways, one group leaving the meeting, the other coming, not unlike the overlapping anointed generation groups, one that went to their graves, the other, since ~>1992 into the future. The reserved grave sites for the last anointed can be sold too, because according to latest wt light, after the rapture, their remains will be disposed off by angels, like Jesus'. David S, you can explain it, don't pass up the occasion.
The bitter reality of death
by Bonsai inbeen a lot of death in my life recently.
a close family member died yesterday.
a close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer.
GrrT: "--Once you hit midlife it seems there are more and more losses in your life; people, bodily integrity, unfulfilled and unfulfillable dreams and ambitions.
People who can accept these with grace seem to age well. It helps to realize that each moment you live is the only one you have (at that time). make your life now an important one. If there is more, and not like wt promises, but really more, treat as a remote possibility. count your life now as your crowning achievement. Even your death can be an important event, you making place for the next carrier of life's importance.
Dreading the news this week
by Coded Logic intens of thousands of protesters are expected to show up in cleveland this week for the republican national convention.
muslim groups.
mexican groups.
Simon: :Yeah, thank god they are clamping down on water pistols - the number of people killed by those is impossible to count.
was not a 12 year old boy shot by police in Cleveland because he carried a replica or toy pistol? killed indirectly because--?
Noah's ark once again. I hate beating a dead horse, but.
by James Mixon inthe altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
GG: "--Why are there no human remains found in these chalk deposits?
Great point: never thought of that! if all humans (-8) were destroyed, materialized angels' bodies even, Nethinim, why are there no remains in any of the claimed "flood sediment" layers, or anywhere, only 5000 years, old? all the same fossil age?
The Society, Race, and an always white Adam.
by nicolaou inokay, it's an old question but we haven't examined it here yet so let's have your thoughts.. adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.. the hebrew people were not selected as jehovah's chosen nation until abram had found favour with god so presumably all races were equal in his eyes before then [as indeed they always have been].. so then, what basis is there, if any, for deciding what adam and eve's skin colour may have been?.
could they not indeed have been black?.
this is a pointless discussion i grant you.
white, the light, is composed of all colours, wavelength. from it you can make a perfect rainbow.
it is the misfortune of the coloured people, to one extent or the other, that the Caucasian race was found in the most benign climate that allowed them to bring forth the technologies, that led to their dominance and the use of them. That they thought perfection would resemble them, their choice of like-looking ancestors, a given. the use of different images in different countries is a propaganda tool, lying, contrary to the conviction they hold.
Regional mr splane said at regional
by poopie inhe said that the parents of df or inactive do not have right to help there child why not?
his answer its above there pay grade.
he also said another witness helped this young lady she was a sister so another person can help your child but you cannot he said let jehovah help them.audeince dead silent..
pople: "His answer its above there pay grade.
Tell us what he said, we might understand, because some people are underpaid
Noah's ark once again. I hate beating a dead horse, but.
by James Mixon inthe altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
redvip2000: "--If Jesus lived today, with the power of analysis and critical thinking we have now, he would be quickly dismissed --
If he appeared in a watchtower congregation he would be disfellowshipped within 3 1/2 years for apostasy, brazen conduct.and deluded about the deluge.
Noah's ark once again. I hate beating a dead horse, but.
by James Mixon inthe altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
or he was an embellishment of a rumor about a minor character, just like the deluge account, as written, was a embellishment about a second hand account in the wet north of palestine.
Noah's ark once again. I hate beating a dead horse, but.
by James Mixon inthe altitude problem.
everest today is 29042 feet high and i know some will say it.
e 1863: "Remember Jesus also spoke in parables. Couldn't the flood be a parable like the Good Samaritan?--
Those that wrote the "jesus" story, used the "noah" myth to add credence to their efforts, appealing to the perceived authenticity of the described events. whether they knew of the fictional character of the "flood"or not, the effect is that the whole story, inundation and "jesus' " comments about it, could not possibly have happened as described.