TB--yeah, I was still working on the thread "Jehovah loves even, rounded numbers" , and 83 did not fit in with the wt/ bible scheme, so, reading upside down or a cyrillic mirror image fixed that. Nothing like a very close to 88 year old mind trying to keep spry.
JoinedPosts by prologos
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
Old People Ask..."I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone?"
by TimeBandit inhere's the latest episode of old people ask.
this episode focuses on chaperones.
why oh why do old people need them?
TB: "--I'm 88, and my girlfriend is 83, why do we need a chaperone
may be with all that hilarity and the final champaign, you were reading the numbers doing handstands? read up side down your ages come out as 88 and 38, with those cunning symmetrical numbers. ? may be chaperones are in order after all old chap?
Why are the least informed people the most opinionated?
by Coded Logic inwhile trying to have a conversation with a trump supporter today i realized the person knew next to nothing about the us constitution, world events, trumps flip-flops, hillary's e-mails, etc.. i have sense decided it is much easier to do absolutely no research and boldly make broad proclamations rather than read up on a particular topic and make concise points.
as such, i will now be telling you why tim kaine was the worst governor new jersey has ever had:.
under tim kaine new jersey gdp dropped by 97%.. humming birds were able to penetrate restricted airspace.. the bridge to missouri kept getting closed.. he made the state look weak by having a state flower.. all the hard working i-pad miners lost their jobs.. and he set up obamacare death panels that were run by isis in planned parenthood vegan centers..
ctrwtf: "Thomas Keane was a governor of New Jersey and a republican, not a democrat.,
and it was Chris Christie (for Christ's sake) that alledgetly closed the bridge to MMM an-hattan, by George, (washington, ihe bridge)
Uninformed people are opinionated because they fill the vacuum in their minds with their super egos. their you go--
The bitter reality of death
by Bonsai inbeen a lot of death in my life recently.
a close family member died yesterday.
a close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer.
The "guaranteed resurrection" talks, with their flawed logic, are very upsetting for a great sister whose 3 year old grand daughter recently died of cancer. The resurrection hope proffered by wt does nothing to ease her pain of loss. She is too "in" to see the cruelty in wt leading people on like that. I am preparing very slowly to introduce the idea, that her grand daughter's early death might be nature's way to give better health to her other future offspring, and that she should concentrate on the good times she had while the precious little one was alive. Perhaps she can entertain the two hopes at the same time?
What will happen when they go full cult mode
by RobertT18 inand they start delivering their message of judgment?
what do you think will happen when they start knocking on doors and telling people that their families will be killed in armageddon because they did not believed in jehovah.
i'm curious how people will react.
that judgement message will be like the campaigns to invite to the memorial, the special talk, the conventions, --announcing the GtT, Armageddon, and none of the invited will show.
There is a new letter to elders about Child Abuse
by ttdtt inanyone see that there is a long letter on how to handle child abuse?.
21. Moving to Another Congregation: When an individual who has been accused of child sexual abuse (established or not) moves to another congregation, 22. When the elders are informed that an individual who has been accused of child sexual abuse (established or not) has moved into the congregation, (bold added for clarity.)
the society seems to take no chances, even unproven misconduct has their attention.
"voyeurism of a minor";
how is that defined? the watchtower elders watching the watchers?
What the Org Teaches #8 "Jehovah's Witnesses" is Our Scriptural Name!
by The Searcher in#8 "jehovah's witnesses" is our scriptural name!
jehovah's witnesses are taught (and believe) by their hierarchy in brooklyn that the name of their religion is based on the bible itself.
a little bit of research comprehensively reveals that the statement which was written in isaiah 43:10 about the jewish nation 700 years before christians appeared, has been corruptly and un-scripturally adopted as a "god-given" name.
Blondie: "And if you use Isaiah 43:10-12, that only refers to Israelites and then can only correspond to spiritual Israelites, the 144,000, so the non-anointed members of the WTS do not qualify.
unquote, comment: and even that only if you accept that all members of the 12 tribes of Israel are not Israelites, natural or spiritual, and not the 12 000 sealed ones that come out of them-- another misreading by wt of the "holy" writings. (Rev, 7. )
The Millenium is Not Going to Be Fun - According to FDS/G.B.
by The Searcher inthe org teaches j.w.
's to tell others that the earth will soon be a paradise - free of crime & violence and with no nasty people to make their lives miserable.
why aren't they telling them the whole "truth"?
Prisoner: "--Lots of young witlesses don't learn to do research and reading in libraries/books but only by clicks.
good point. creative thinking is in part based on the fact that many ideas are present in your mind, and new, original connections, humour even, lead to new development,innovation. wt never wanted that. so--. get your fangs into solid knowledge now: die gefangene
The Millenium is Not Going to Be Fun - According to FDS/G.B.
by The Searcher inthe org teaches j.w.
's to tell others that the earth will soon be a paradise - free of crime & violence and with no nasty people to make their lives miserable.
why aren't they telling them the whole "truth"?
Rad: :--use our left hand for "personal hygiene" as they still do in certain parts of the world.
a bible based life: "Let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing.--" and in all parts of the new (developing) 3rd world. not the 3rd 1000 year reich, the 4st.
The Millenium is Not Going to Be Fun - According to FDS/G.B.
by The Searcher inthe org teaches j.w.
's to tell others that the earth will soon be a paradise - free of crime & violence and with no nasty people to make their lives miserable.
why aren't they telling them the whole "truth"?
Imagine billions and billions starting again where the left off, locked in survival, trying to procreate combat? or is god going to engineer out the old personality traits, interfering with freely expressed ego-will?