In a debate, argumentation,- to observers-, the gems of knowledge, of unexpected insight*** and the novel ways to present them often gets lost in the mud of mudslinging,, which is too bad. One debating technique is also, to denigrate , provoke, decimate, tire out your chosen target which is hilarious to some, but contributes nothing to enlighten the learners here.
*** was not the term "big bang" the product of an intense debate, a snide comment really? and talking of Ruby's "god outside the Universe" comment:
If a supposed creator was present during the big bang, and at that point in time was not outside the universe, he must have been of negative size. As it is, she is probably still outside the universe, cradling us in her inside. Interesting article on BBC ?: scientist are close to producing offspring from ova or even sperm alone. life at it's most basic reproduction.