Alanv: "What happened to their new rule of not using types and anti types unless the bible specifically does?
The article does not have the words "type" and "antitype" directly printed, but on page 32, the last in that the issue, it say of the 1919 anointed: "--they were like the stick of Judah,--" and of the OS: "-- they were like the stick for Joseph--" clearly using them as symbolic types. My point is, that member of all tribes were Israelites, not just the Levites living among them all over the land , or just Judah and Benjamin settled around Jerusalem .Wt can not admit that most of it's adherents are real dignified humans, "israelites" not comparable to dumb animals. They never speak of anointed sheep and Other sheep. In the article their own words prove them wrong. Denying the Other Sheep full citizenship proves that their previous symbolic typing of ancient stories was misapplication of the precedents.