Cold Steel: +-- Worship is a way of recognizing the dominance and authority of God, accepting His laws as binding.
I accept that,- for the laws of Nature, that have a created origin, and most moral laws. Therefore, the more accurate our understanding of these laws and works, and the applying of them are, the closer we are to be in harmony with the creator, but not necessarily to worship in the conventional sense. Of course there were carnivores millions of years ago, but the bible does not say so, meat eating was only granted after the flood. Lyons ate straw in Eden, in the ark and will again in the panda-petting paradise. Revelations are a fabrication, or delusion. Even the revealed - sounding "In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth--" is in error, the creator of the natural laws would never reveal error. So to me, today the real bearer of truth aka worshippers are scientists.