not to minimise or ridicule the achievement. great work. Even a rogue awake writer once suggested we would expand the paradise to other worlds too. but landing techniques should become standardized by now: the russians landed a rover on the moon early, ? Bezos and Musk are trying out their landing on barges and first stage rockets back on earth, more landings on asteroids, comets are planned, so, having personally heard the reassuring supersonic double bang of the shuttle returning, (and not), I hope they get their act together, before humans have to stake their lives on the self driving Mars re-entry vehicles. hopefully not doing a schia-pareille-oi
JoinedPosts by prologos
ExoMars Arrival - Schiaparelli
by TheWonderofYou in16 october: separation of schiaparelli from tgo at 14:42 gmt / 16:42 cest 17 october: tgo orbit-raising manoeuvre at 02:42 gmt / 04:42 cest19 october: tgo mars orbit insertion and schiaparelli entry, descent and landing on mars (atmospheric entry expected 14:42 gmt / 16:42 cest, landing 14:48 gmt / 16:48 cest).
Publisher death nail.
by Chook ini have done this exactly as quoted more than once.
i ask elder if it's better to hide serious sin or reveal, of course we know the answer.
then i ask them to explain elders book page 38 paragraph 19, which say it's sometimes ok for elder who has committed immorality and has kept it secret to continue serving as elder.
of course, one of the signs of repentance is supposed to be a contrite confession, not trying to hide, like the wt hero David did too. so: only if you are good at hiding and push the flock to increase aka produce blessings, is it swept under the rug. ugh.
ExoMars Arrival - Schiaparelli
by TheWonderofYou in16 october: separation of schiaparelli from tgo at 14:42 gmt / 16:42 cest 17 october: tgo orbit-raising manoeuvre at 02:42 gmt / 04:42 cest19 october: tgo mars orbit insertion and schiaparelli entry, descent and landing on mars (atmospheric entry expected 14:42 gmt / 16:42 cest, landing 14:48 gmt / 16:48 cest).
Thewonderofyou, you must be passionate about the space flights. Like in all flight, it is the landings that matter most, One of Mars' moons is Phobos He stays up there, like the gas orbiter, having the phobia of hard landings?
Arrival of War in 1914 a Shocking Development
by berrygerry inone comment-giver during the rules study, remarked that ww1 was predicted by wt to arrive in 1914, despite the fact that everyone expected an era of unparalleled peace.. this was something continuously drilled into our heads - how peaceful everything was prior to ww1.. when you look at wt library under 'world war i' - "unexpected" - the results are all offline - there are no recent references ( unexpected: re 106; w92 5/1 4-5; yb87 124; w86 2/15 5; w86 11/1 6 ).
the offline quotes are as follows:.
listening with one ear to this week's study on 1914 at the hall, (kingdom rules!) it struck me how totally in the dark the wt leadership was. How could the future rulers of the universe not be "in" on the establishment of their government in heaven? If these are supposed to be the administrators of billions of galaxies and their inhabitants, interesting times would be ahead with that kind of incompetence. .
The parable of the sheep and the goats!
by TimothyT ini was reading again the parapble jesus spoke to his disciples about the sheep and goats.
when i read it, it was plain and simple in my eyes.. 34 then the king will say to those on his right, come, you who have been blessed by my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.
35 for i became hungry and you gave me something to eat; i got thirsty and you gave me something to drink.
actually Jesus defined his brothers by saying :" Anyone doing the will of my father is my brother--" -- so: Bye bye, governing body, F&DS, anointed overlappers.-- your time has elapsed.
besides, the sheep are surprised for being rewarded for helping his brothers, sisters, why? because his brothers sisters are not clearly identified by title, or partaking.
Do good to all needy, wisely, you do not know the family of the one you are helping. folklore of the king that in disguise visits his people to see what happens, the opinions expressed.
The Largest Black Holes In The Universe
by Brokeback Watchtower inlots of interesting videos these days on universe and the big question about how we all got hear well maybe one day it will all be clear to a higher intelligence(of perhaps tweaked by modern technology and just like ours) than ours i'm sure as our processing power increases as we merge with the singularity as one.
sounds like a high tech computer game to me and the vid is nothing about that.
anyway enjoy this little bit of stuff from recent finding:.
After this week's "Kingdom of 1914" study at the hall, --The biggest black hole in the Universe has to be the void left by the Birth of the Kingdom, non-evidence now located 102 light years + 2 weeks away, as you look into the past.
How could a government that is supposed to rule over trillions of Galaxies, into all eternity, have such confused followers on the the most important place, the most important date in all the cosmos? Not informing it's prime members, the near faithful slave of 1919, of what goes on? what to expect? guessing whether they will go to heaven in 1914, or 25, or at the end of at least 2 overlapping generations of 120 year possible life spans over/underlapping? The trump/ clinton debacle is nothing compared to the Brooklyn happenings in 1914. confusion at the pinnacle of the universe's supposed future rulers.
Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Christians, why do so many ex JW's deny this?
by nicolaou injehovah's witnesses accept jesus as christ, the son of god.
they try, in their own way, to live by his teachings and imitate him.
they pray, read the bible and meet together regularly for worship.. i won't minimise any of the harm and damage they cause but for the life of me, i can't see how anyone can credibly deny that they are christians.. why do so many former jws have a problem with this?
jws are just as "christian" as most other Christian denominations, wt claims to have the only true Christians, they mostly recruit from, , prey on other christian groups, do not recognize other baptisms, re-baptize in the name of the spirit- , err- [-directed organisation], so, in that way, they are just as exclusively christian as most of the rest of them.
Millions now living will never die (orginally "may" never die) was the WTS lying
by blondie inthis was first said in 1918 and adjusted to "will never die" in 1920. of course, the wts taught that the anointed had to die to go to heaven; but there was no great crowd teaching then, so they were talking about all non-anointed people on earth.
the wts members were known as bible students then and had been expecting the end in 1914 and it was adjusted.
one date that was stressed at that time was 1925. so i think they idea was that people living in 1918 would be alive to see the end in 1925, which of course did not happen.
Fisherman: "--JW have been off by time not doctrine.
wrong in both. Jesus , in wt bibles, said the generation will not pass away until all these things occur. implying that then, after the end, it will pass away. wt , contradicting Jesus said, in 1918: it may/will never pass away. Now wt says it will even pass away before all these things occur.
The generation is either a) eternal or b) not, if it is not, it has to pass away either c) before or d) after the end, which is it, wt?Jesus said it will pass away, wt, you said: "never" ( wrong in doctrine )
Jesus said not until, after, wt, you now say "before" ( wrong in doctrine, because the generation then can not be exclusively the anointed groups.
Selloff Hinted At Assembly
by thedepressedsoul inthe last talk at the assembly made an interesting statement, "we can show faith by following direction if we're asked to move to another kingdom hall for better use of dedicated christian funds".
this statement has everyone talking.
i spoke to multiple individuals and they heard the same thing at different assembly's.. i know they have been "evaluating" all kingdom halls the last year or two.
I did not hear that here, at a recent one day assembly, but that "we should be ready to give up all our possessions, or lose them, which is the same thing, if involuntarily caught in the wt trap.
Is it the original anointed person or their clone who will be in heaven?
by deegee inthe wt teaches that there's no part of a human being that survives the death of the body.
if the anointed do not have an immortal soul/ some immaterial part of them that survives death, then whoever will be in heaven won't be the original anointed person but their clone since once a person dies, according to wt theology, they cease to exist; so god will have to create a spirit body from nothing for that person and that created body by definition will therefore not be the original person but their clone.. so it will be a person's clone that will get to live forever in heaven and rule with christ, and not the original can now see why other religions teach the doctrine of the immortality of the soul..
"Clone" would be an inappropriate term, because in the case of cloning, the replica is just split off, not necessarily destroying the original. wt uses " died in the flesh, made alive in the spirit" as the repetition of Christ's alleged return to life for the anointed rapture now until the great tribulation.