schnell: 2114? Why that's just 2 years after 2012 , or
the due date of the new light wt book release: "God's Kingdom Rules, -still, K is overruled,K is overdue."
The composite generation moves nicht schnell. is a drag.
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
schnell: 2114? Why that's just 2 years after 2012 , or
the due date of the new light wt book release: "God's Kingdom Rules, -still, K is overruled,K is overdue."
The composite generation moves nicht schnell. is a drag.
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
Composite !? Or Compost ?
jonah'stourguide, very good, in the composition, the compost generation is appropriate, after all the bible speaks of the "fertilizer on the ground"have you actually read, why it is aa composite generation, whether wt likes it or not?
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
P: "----Bonus: While he anointed generation slide would be out of date by 2075, the new light Composite Generation slide's expiration label shows well past the next turn of the century.
other transparencies?
Vidiot: if you read the whole compound complex generation humour, like the part quoted above, you'd realize that that gravestone would not be available until ~ 2114, if wt can come up with more +107 year old overlappers. We want to be entertained now.
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
Half banana: "--I think the "Overlapping 1914 generation" should feature on the gravestone of the Watchtower organisation.
trying to fit a gravestone with graphics like that into the wt projector would ruin it for good. how about a slimmer version to hasten the slide?
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
JJ: "Your explanation is just as confusing as the Over Lapping Generation Doctrine!
Thank you, notice it is in the [attempted] humour section, so: mission accomplished, you are so right, confusing and getting the wt show into next century. Phony Photon drama productions,"new light" shows for 2 centuries.
confusing because of the grammar and spelling errors? apologies.
doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention.
often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down.
think superior authorities, resurrection ----, .
Doctrines projected by wt writers can be compared to the slides in the old carousel slide shows, the jw audience was kept in the dark, but the next images' bright filtered new light had their rapt attention. Often these doctrine images came around again but modified, often totally changed, turned upside down. think Superior Authorities, resurrection ----,
here are my notes to wt how prepare the next "the generation of 1914 slide:
The generation is overlapping but also composite: made up ( pun intended) of the anointed and the Other Sheep. Variant: the OS only.-- How to scripturally support this changed slide -back doctrinal picture ?
On further consideration: "Jesus made the 1914 generation prophecy to people with an earthly hope. He said that the Great Trib. is cut short because of the chosen ones, -- to save their flesh. The anointed generation does not want or need their flesh saved, but the "chosen ones, who " will build houses, have children, according to Isaiah 65 do. ( in next year's bible reading , timing alert!) and
This composite overlapper generation (or the "OS only" variant) will not pass away until all these things, including Armageddon has occurred, unlike the flawed present slide that has the "anointed only" generation peter out, at the beginning GT, never getting in person to Isaiah's idyllic images.
Bonus: While he anointed generation slide would be out of date by 2075, the new light Composite Generation slide's expiration label shows well past the next turn of the century.
other transparencies?
we are currently living in a country where at the cinema the national anthem is played before the start of the movie and it is law that you stand.
does anyone know what current jw thinking is on this?
i know there has been various changes over the years.
The idea was that give honour to the one demanding honour. you always stayed a notch below the crowd, you can stand, but not raise your arm to Heil, or cover your heart, or sing. Too bad, there are some glorious anthems.
jws will deny that local needs parts are often just a way to mark those in the congregation who are deemed to be "bad association" or who don't fall in line with the elders viewpoints.
now, for the first time in a long time the wt discusses their marking policy and how it works in the nov study wt:.
recall paul’s counsel regarding disorderly ones in the congregation.
They are cowards not to name the person. avoiding liability issues. and the stark light showing how terrible they really are. Did not Jesus advocate open judgements, before the whole congregation, and open disclosure as a means of reconsilliation rather than division? like: here it is, - deal with it as adults, Christians.
They name the person, but not the offence" XYZ is no longer a jw, " or
name the offence, but not the person,
in both cases not even the wt action: :
"we are marking," we are disfellowshipping, ". it is legalise.
where did all the witnesses over the decades get the idea that armageddon was right around the corner?
the society certainly never put anything like that down in print:
*** w56 10/15 p. 614 when will gods kingdom come?
np quote. "--Certainly the religious leaders will not be looked to for light—they will no longer be identified as such.
that includes the Governing Body of the JWs, because according to their overlapping charts, all anointed will be dead by then, gone to their reward, raptured, at the beginning of the GT. leaving the jws without their new light diet source.
wt's fallacious analogies.
so: adam could not live without her, eve, but did the continuation of the marriage depend on him eating too?
did his' eating extend eve's life?
perhaps others can confirm the very words. Adam actually married "in the Lord" did he really think he would become a widower? even now, couples die very close in time to each other. Did Adam prefer death to life without Eve? Or: did he eat to impress Eve? like Hinckley, the would be killer of R.Reagan, risking all to impress his girl?