I like your intention, but I'm not sure about your approach. When you talk to your neighbor, I hope you can calm down more. But I have to say that you are very brave, though.
yep, just got back from getting my morning coffee and they were across the street from my house talking to a lady that i believe is turning into a return visit.
i was frantically looking for the un letter, found it and then approached the car as they were just getting back in.
the old dub guy totally denied any un involvement and went into the speal about why the un and before that league of nations was so bad.
I like your intention, but I'm not sure about your approach. When you talk to your neighbor, I hope you can calm down more. But I have to say that you are very brave, though.
just a quick hello from a uk expat in sunny france.
i have been watching this board for the past couple of weeks and i have enjoyed what i have seen so far, i will post my story over the next couple of weeks or so.
also i am looking to make some new friends with you all.
why after all this time does it hurt so bad ,, why ?
why can't he say happy birthday to me why can' t he say anything.i want to hear it from him so bad.
Happy birthday, kls!
Shamus, i especially want to say i am sorry to you for putting you in the spot that i did, for some reason i can relate to you but my problems are not yours you have enough of your own.Come now...
You put me in no spot whatsoever. I sincerely hope that you follow through and speak to someone in real life about this. Don't slough this off as whining. That is absolutley not what you did. We all support one another, and anyone in my shoes would have cared enough to PM you, believe me.
Take care, and don't feel the least bit sorry for one thing.
Aww, you guys, we need a group hug. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Shamus, kls, sunshineToo}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
"ready for every good work," 12/1.
"god is love," 7/1.
"remain in my word," 2/1.
The Watchtower is not about: Christian love.
Yikes! Kids, get away from the sister in the polyester flowered dress and bookbag. She has an arm-full of poison.
LOL @ Corvin
recently onacruse made a comment regarding why many jws remain jws.
a lot of people look at religion as a way to get together and be social with one another.
let's face it, people need "friends".
First, reply to min: Nope. You have to leave the org in order to have a true and decent social life with friends.
And Cyber-sis, I can relate to your experience. What a bunch of cult members trying to rule one's life!
please help me settle a bet.
i can't find anything on it on the internet.
i say "ray - men" noodles.
Stef, you are making me hungry.
In Korea we say "Rah Myun". I'd better go to the Japan Town, and order a bowl of ramen. I'll ask one of Japanese how to pronounce it.
i've been a bit lax in posting, life got really busy over the last while.
i've had my own business that's been gaining contracts, but not quickly enough for mortgage payments and cat food.
hehe so i took a 5 month temp job to supplement.
OH MY GOD!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is so wonderful!
Forget your jw sister. Let other family members tell her about the news. You don't have to face that. So when is your wedding? Do you know what you're going to wear and where you're going to wed?
1877 (surrender speech) by chief joseph of the nez perce
i will fight no more forever.
i am tired of fighting.
That is one very tragic poem. And it also shows how insane the wars are.
But what about fighting for justice against big guys? I think smaller people can feel that way, too. Would it be right just to give up fighting?