oh yes...most certainly....a brilliantly written and accurately constructed book....a real eye opener....I was shocked at so many things within it..but in particular the Malawi v Mexico debacle.....and the chapters on prophecy and 1914......just wish others within and outside the org would dare to read it.....Raymond Franz was an honourable man who was treated shamefully by his peers.......peers who have the gall to presume they speak for god....
JoinedPosts by westiebilly11
How many have read 'Crisis of Conscience'?
by tornapart infor me it was the book!
it opened my eyes.
i started it thinking it would just enlighten me about how the organisation works.
The Revamped Organization
by Nosferatu inwith the release of the new bible, i can pretty much say that the wt religion is no longer the same religion that i left 17 years ago.
it's bizarre.
they have a different bible, a different song book, a different "youth" book, a different "great teacher" book, and the "live forever" book is gone.
what has changed is the relevance of prophecy and prescribed dates.....so many dates original and poached from others have passed uneventfully.....they've changed the generation meaning so many times Bruce Forsyth could be behind it (!)....so now it's a case of persuading the faithful followers to hang on in there and put trust in the uninspired gb....publications which focussed on prophetic dates etc are being replaced with bland fodder complete with pictures of noah etc to colour in.....it has become a religion based on the sieve....full of holes and unable to hold water.........new light just means mobile goalposts.......
Any proof that more JW's are leaving in greater numbers then before?
by Crazyguy inor is it just wishful thinking on our parts?.
a keystroke away from truth...exactly...the gb cannot control inquisitiveness and accidental discovery of facts and things that they'd rather the masses didn't know about..........and it could happen in a relatively short timeframe too....one match is all it takes to burn a forest of lies...
What's with all the JWs unleashing the hate!?
by Julia Orwell inmost of us here on jwn, while we can get a bit narky at times, can put forth intelligent arguments and sound observations.
sure we can get bogged down with our opinions, but generally we back up our opinions with examples and evidence, and if someone has a different opinion with examples and evidence, we accept that without recriminations.
that's what adults do.. so my question is, why in the last week or so, have a couple of posters claiming to be jws come onto this forum and berated, spewed hate and judgement, and in some cases verbally attacked members personally?
faith is the assured expectation........versus... expectation delayed makes the heart sick.... No wonder they have hatred/anger for others who don't share their stance. The cult is causing many of its members widespread undiagnosed mental illness (disease..???!) by its flip flop doctrines and false alarms.....this must be stressful for those entrapped by its high walls.. you bet they're angry...confused....bitter......!
A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17
by Stand for Pure Worship inthat text reminds me of one of a handful of problems peculiar to the ex-jw community.
second only to the wild beast's internal divisions, is the divided makeup of the ex-jw populace.
you know the one thing that indicates jehovah's blessing upon the worldwide association of kingdom proclaimers, is not only the continued success of the preaching work, but along with it the unity and love amongst the brothers and sisters.
the whole jw/watchtower org doctrine is one of contradictions and double meaning.....using a scripture ..out of context..to support a doctrine..then using the same scripture to suppport an opposing doctrine change.....when I was in.. it never crossed my mind to look/think outside the jw box at what the facts are..or to wonder how god seemed to flip flop on doctrines....that in itself is a worrying thing...allowing an org to shutdown one's own basic powers of reasoning is a sure sign of abdicating the duty to oneself.....I suspect SFPW has doubts ....don't you?.....but for the time being whilst he/she is bathing in the afterglow of a newly released bible....he/she will continue believing what they're told to believe...because its easier that way......
A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17
by Stand for Pure Worship inthat text reminds me of one of a handful of problems peculiar to the ex-jw community.
second only to the wild beast's internal divisions, is the divided makeup of the ex-jw populace.
you know the one thing that indicates jehovah's blessing upon the worldwide association of kingdom proclaimers, is not only the continued success of the preaching work, but along with it the unity and love amongst the brothers and sisters.
dear standforpureworship.....don't suppose you've read any books by ex gb member Ray Franz have you?....gb very much divided...but puts on a show of unity for the masses.....difference here is that opinions can be expressed ..freely ...without judicial committees and threats of shunning....people here can ask/raise questions and get replys/answers.......this is a healthy site....as opposed to the claustrophobic paranoia which shuts down any rational reasoning within the KH......eg ...when I was last at a meeting...12 months ago....a lady raised her hand and asked if she could ask a question relating to the watchtower study.........she was met with a confused look from the conductor who answered tersely no...she couldn't...and then continued with the well rehearsed study..........we're all at different stages of recovery and resettlement after years ...many years.....of being once stalwart jw's.........
AGM - did anyone miss this?
by Anony Mous inaccording to the live blog: god's will to be completed by the end of the millennium.
very casually said by louche (;-)).
i think this is one of those things that is supposed to rile up the r&f.
ok....but why not just say end of thousand year rule of Christ...rather than use millennium term....can't recall seeing millennium term mentioned in mags.......
AGM - did anyone miss this?
by Anony Mous inaccording to the live blog: god's will to be completed by the end of the millennium.
very casually said by louche (;-)).
i think this is one of those things that is supposed to rile up the r&f.
very very important point this comment re millennium.....how does this fit with Daniel prophecies re last king/world powers?????...it all unravels from here on....!
by WatchTower87 in- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
sealed confidential envelope....for 5 years old and up..?...not a legal document then...odd..
New Release At the 2013 Annual Meeting Of Jehavah's Witnesses.
by Brother Mike inunconfirmed rumors (but credible).
new bible.
new insight volumes (starting 2014 theocretic school year talks will be taken from the insight books).
presumably any new book discussing masturbation would be a handbook....