JoinedTopics Started by janessa
Bosquejos en inglés de la Asamblea Regional 2018
by accesible inno sé si ya compartieron los bosquejos de esta asamblea regional.
pero de no ser así, los voy a dejar para sus descargas.
creo que más adelante compartiré también todos videos que se mencionan en los bosquejos.
Leaked Videos-Petra-I need help!
by Atlantis inleaked videos.i need help with these leaked videos.
grampa has a whole stack ofthem but they need to be reduced in size.i have never seen these videos before.
some are pretty large in size,so if someone could reduce their size and get them on youtube be myguest.
2018 Regional (District) Convention Outlines
by AverageJoe1 inso the official program is out but does anyone have access to the actual outlines for the assembly this year in english and/or spanish?.
maybe the gb are clamping down on their "high-up" leaks within the organisation and the circuit overseers making these available have been kicked or had to no longer leak material for fear of getting themselves discovered by the wt gestapo..