JoinedTopics Started by suavojr
Fw: As Bro Sydlick was saying the closing prayer
by NikL ini just had to pass this on to you.. it is an e mail that is making the rounds.. what do you think of this.... (beware!
gagging may be expected).
the 41,000 friends at the international convention in michigan .
Submitting a DA letter and walking away?
by Jourles ini have been perusing through the many boe documents i have recently received and noticed something interesting.
regarding ones who disassociate themselves, there have been many discussions on this board where people tell others not write a letter as you are giving away any legal footing you may have against the society.
well, it appears that there are two routes you can take without officially getting da'd, according to the society's own documents.
It is now 2003.... Where is Armageddon?
by Nosferatu ini find it extremely amusing how each year is passing without armageddon.
"for the year 2000, i visualize a world transformed into a beautiful paradise!
but i don't think that either the present world or its rulers will live to see that day.. we are living in the last days of the system of things.
Quick review of several OTHER Books on the WT...
by TheApostleAK inquick review of several other books on the watchtower.. "the sword and the spirit (jehovah's witnesses expose the 3rd reich)" - watchtower bible & tract society: pure watchtower propaganda.
"this is the text of the slide lecture presented at the united states holocaust museum, washington d.c., by james n. pellechia, associate editor of awake!
magazine, on september 29, 1994".. "bible students in britain: the story of a 100 years" - a. o. hudson: a well researched account of the british bible students from the start of the movement to the present day.
Are there any ex-missionaries here??
by fulano ini have been a missionary in the dominican republic for almost 10 years and i was wondering if there were any ex-missionaries on this forum.. i am back in my country now for 3 years and totally inactive.. what i noticed in those missionary-years was the lack of spiritual interest among the missionaries.. discussions were about rooms, cars and greater responsibilities, the bad territory.
and the local c.o.s and d.os.. was this only in the dr or are there other experiences??.
ere other experiences?
bethelite kills self because of guilt 10/31/73
by new boy ini was working on my car in the factory {bld.
1} on friday oct. 31 1973, when all hell broke loose, the fire alarm in bld.
4 went off at about 9:30. the night watchman could find nothing.
14 Minutes and you are not a Servant of Jehovah
by JT inlast night we were discussing the "new light" that was revealed to the gb recently from jehovah.
many of us recall all the co talks and elder parts based on the bible text of how a true servant of jah would not be "inactive or irregular" for years one was required to have at least one hour to be considered a servant of jah.. as the sec in my hall i recall so many times calling up friends to get thier time and hearing them break crying cause they didn't have 60min only about 45min- and they knew that it meant they were not servants of jah.
now with the new light from jw a person with only 14 minutes of time will now be disqualified as being a servant of jah.. it is amazing how many jw will view this arrangement as a "loving provision from jah" instead of realizing that thier service to thier god has been reduced to whether they get 15min or 14 min.
David Splane and "THOSE TAKING LEAD
by belbab ini am reposting this topic, that was posted on this board a couple of months ago.
i am posting this as my part of my message to the governing body, in support of silent lambs and barbara anderson.
i will also add further comments to this post shortly.. re: who are the governing body?a true story.
The Bible: Most flawed document ever?
by bboyneko ini came across this essay by joseph c. sommer:.
the fact that the bible contains contradictions is one reason why humanists consider the book to be an unreliable authority.
Why No Disfellowshipping Before 1952?
by blondie inwhy was there no official arrangement before 1952 to disfellowship people?
was there a different procedure with a different name?
was no one committing disfellowshipping offenses?