My understanding is that they changed the wording because of people doing what I did. I was dunked in 1979. And unless they have a video recording of my swearing in they can't prove I moved my lips. Also in 1986 when they had all the J-duds at the District Conventions say "Yes" to the change in their Baptismal Vow, unless they have me on tape saying yes to that, they can't prove I ever did.
The local Cong. DA'd me six weeks after I sent out the letters. I wrote the PO, called him a coward and a liar and told him to retract the statement as I did not DA myself. I knew the prick wouldn't do it but it felt good to piss on the jerk.
As for minors, If they wait too long after they come of age the courts will not recognize their nullification. Non action constitutes acceptance. So if you are a minor the DAY you turn of age start raising hell and writing letters. They will cut you lose. If you wait, join the rest of us tunnel diggers trying to make an escape! Maverick