Thank you cofty. This is something that can help me in my journey. It might be scary to challenge our beliefs at first but reason can overcome many obstacles if we allow ourselves to think for just one moment at a time.
JoinedPosts by suavojr
A Manual for Creating Atheists by Peter Boghossian
by cofty ina manual for creating atheists offers the first-ever guide not for talking people into faith--but for talking them out of it.
peter boghossian draws on the tools he has developed and used for more than twenty years as a philosopher and educator to teach how to engage the faithful in conversations that will help them value reason and rationality, cast doubt on their religious beliefs, mistrust their faith, abandon superstition and irrationality, and ultimately embrace reason.
- amazon.... "boghossian has provided an indispensible chart book for all of us who must navigate the rising sea of magical thinking that is inundating america today.
Quick review of several OTHER Books on the WT...
by TheApostleAK inquick review of several other books on the watchtower.. "the sword and the spirit (jehovah's witnesses expose the 3rd reich)" - watchtower bible & tract society: pure watchtower propaganda.
"this is the text of the slide lecture presented at the united states holocaust museum, washington d.c., by james n. pellechia, associate editor of awake!
magazine, on september 29, 1994".. "bible students in britain: the story of a 100 years" - a. o. hudson: a well researched account of the british bible students from the start of the movement to the present day.
Hey newbies, time to read up!
How do JWs explain Egyptian society and culture surviving the flood?
by BU2B inok this is something have been wondering.
has anyone heard any explanation from jws as to how egypt, which even the wt admits existed 4600 years ago, was eliminated by a global flood but resumed a few short years later with the same culture, language etc.
the pyramids are older than the wt date for the flood.
Welcome to the matrix! You are peeling off the layers and and using you critical thinking skills. I have to be honest, even as a little boy the idea of millions of species fitting into one ark is simply preposterous.
New Homo erectus Skull Shakes up Palaeontology
by cofty ina fantastic homo erectus skull has been found in georgia - no not our former colony, the one in asia.. it is one of 5 that have been found at a site in dmanisi, it's the first homo erectus to be found outside of africa and it is in excellent condition.
the fossils are dated at 1.8 million years ago and comparisions of the specimens have thrown doubt over the details of human evolution.. it is possible that species previously named as h rudolfensis , h gautengensis , h ergaster and possibly h habilis were actually all h erectus.
the natural variation withing the species may be greater than thought previously.. the "lumpers" and the "splitters" are going to have plenty to argue about for years to come.. note to creationists - please read the article carefully.
All JW Elders World Wide...A Call To Action!
by bjc2read inthis just posted on a jw reform board at this link:.
see acts 20:26-28.. if we do not speak out now, at this time, then no elder in any body of elders from around the world, will be able to repeat the words of paul, with a clear conscience.
Great sites indeed! Their is a storm brewing...
1970 Awake Chastises Catholic Church For Its "New Light"
by Justitia Themis ineven in the united states, where religion still enjoys perhaps the greatest popularity, nearly three out of four persons polled said that it is losing influence.
one of the reasons is that people are disturbed by what is happening in their churches.
yes, millions of persons have been shocked to learn that things they were taught as being vital for salvation are now considered by their church to be wrong.
Why the delay on the 1/15/14 study edition?
by Skinnedsheep init has been more than a month since the last study edition release.
come on "mother" your children are hungry.
i need some of the craziness that only your deluded fds chefs can cook up.. aren't they usually on the dot when it comes to the release of the magazines?.
Is that an actual pic from the mag? The horsmen look more menacing...
by Rattigan350 inwhen i read online forums about when someone dies or something bad happens, people comment saying "sending prayers".. i wonder, why, what for?
prayers have not brought anyone back from the dead.
have they healed anyone?
Prayer to me is like meditating. In what way is it similar? We all know that prayer is when you think a God can hear you, but just like meditation can help you evaluate the situation and know yourself better. Prayer can help you focus your thoughts and concentrate on how to get out of a difficult situation. But when people start to think that you have super natural powers when praying, and that all the small things in life are controlled through prayer, that's when it turns into superstition.
What do you think of the word:"THEOCRACY"
by Rip inwhen i come accross these coined phrase like "theocratic school" i wonder if it really is time to live a theocracy on earth, and it it is not an exageration by gb to make people think they occupy a undisputable place in that theocracy where anybody who challenges them, challenges theos.. is the theocratic attitude on earth christian?
what do you think guys?.
Theocracy is just like Hitchens said: 'a celestial North Korea'. Theocracy is another form of absolute control of another person and that in itself is deplorable. As a JW I always wondered what theocracy really meant and what it would be like, but the way the WT presents its theocracy only looks good on paper just like communism.
by ADJUSTMENTS inbetween two congregations that i know of four elders have stepped down in the last two months!
there is something really going on in this mandmade organization!
it's busting at the seams!.
It's a busniness and cult!