This is so sad to read...
JoinedPosts by suavojr
FYI Article: Dear Abby - Childhood Sexual Abuse Still Haunts Adult Survivor
by AndersonsInfo inchildhood sexual abuse still haunts adult survivormay 21, 2014 the class naming convention is clientorwebsite-adposition .
by abigail van buren.
share on facebook share on twitter <i class="fa fa-envelope"></i>email article contact dear abby print article dear abbythese are partial articles split into small sections.dear abby: after years of carrying this guilt, i want to tell my story.
July KM 2014 download
by suavojr inenjoy.
J U L Y 2 0 1 4
For United States of America km14 07-E Us Vol. 57, No. 7
Why Important: When sharing in the
house-to-house ministry, we often find that
many people are not at home. However, we
may come in contact with them when using
public transportation, when waiting in a doctor’s
office, when taking a break at work or at
school, and so forth. It is Jehovah’s will that
everyone has an opportunity to hear the Kingdom
message. (1 Tim. 2:3, 4) Often, in order
to give a witness, we must take the initiative to
start a conversation.
Howto Do It:
˙ Be selective. Does the person seem friendly
and willing to talk? Do the circumstances
allow for relaxed conversation?
Some publishers first make eye contact
with the person and then smile. If the person
smiles back, they try to start a conversation.
˙ Say a brief, silent prayer if you lack the
courage to speak.—Neh. 2:4; Acts 4:29.
˙ Start with a simple comment, perhaps a
greeting. Jesus did not begin his conversation
with the Samaritanwoman by talking
about the Kingdom. (John 4:7) Sometimes
a conversation can be initiated by
giving commendation: “Your children are
sowell-behaved!” Asking a question is another
possible conversation starter: “Did
you see that news report last night?”
˙ Once the conversation has started, look
for an opportunity to introduce the
good news, but do not be in a hurry. Allow
the conversation to develop naturally.
Perhaps you can make a statement
that arouses the person’s curiosity and
prompts an inquiry. For example, if the
conversation is about family matters, you
might say, “I found some reliable advice
on raising children.” If you are discussing
a news item, you could say, “I recently
enjoyed reading some good news for a
change.” Do not be discouraged if the
conversation ends before you can give a
˙ Carry tracts or other literature that you can
give to someone who shows interest.
Try This During theMonth:
˙ Each week try to start at least one conversation
with the goal of witnessing informally.
Improving Our Skills in the
Ministry—Initiating a Conversation
in Order to Witness Informally
Song 1 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cl chap. 10 _1-7 (30 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Leviticus 21-24 (10 min.)
No. 1: Leviticus 23:1-14 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Universal Salvation Is Not Scriptural—rs
p. 356 _3 (5 min.)
No. 3: Acceptable Time—Use Wisely the Opportune
Season for God’s Favor—it-1 pp. 37-38
(5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 45
10 min: Get Ready for the Special Campaign
in August. Distribute a copy of the new tract
Where Can We Find Answers to Life’s Big Questions?
to anyone who does not have a copy. Using
the sample presentation on page 4, have two
demonstrations. First show how the tract will be
offered to most householders. Then demonstrate
how it may be offered when the householder
shows interest or desires to talk. Encourage all to
have a full share in the campaign.
5 min: Benefit From Examining the Scriptures
Daily. Discussion. Invite the audience to comment
on when they consider the text each day
and how their use of Examining the Scriptures
Daily has benefited them.
15 min: “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry
—Initiating a Conversation in Order to Witness
Informally.” Discussion. Include a demonstration.
Song 107 and Prayer
_ 2014 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses;
C. I. Woody, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing
offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada.
Song 73 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cl chap. 10 _8-17 (30 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Leviticus 25-27 (10 min.)
No. 1: Leviticus 26:1-17 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Will All Humans Eventually Be
Saved?—rs p. 357 _1 (5 min.)
No. 3: Accident, Accidental—Ways in
Which the Scriptures Differentiate Between
Accidental and Intentional Occurrences
—it-1 p. 38 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 67
10 min: Respected for Our Good Conduct
and Christian Neutrality. Discussion based
on the 2014 Yearbook, pages 120 and 149.
Invite audience to comment on the lessons
10 min: Will You Auxiliary Pioneer in August?
Talk. Interview two or three publishers
who plan to auxiliary pioneer in August despite
being infirm or having a busy schedule.
What adjustments are they making in order
to auxiliary pioneer? Invite the service overseer
to reviewthe arrangements for the meetings
for field service during August.
10 min: “How Do I Appear to Jehovah?”
Questions and answers.
Song 65 and Prayer
1 How often do you look into a mirror?
Most of us do so daily because this helps us
see aspects of our physical appearance that
need attention. The Bible has been likened
to a mirror. Reading God’s Word enables us
to see our inner self, the person whom Jehovah
sees. (1 Sam. 16:7; Jas. 1:22-24) God’s
Word can “discern thoughts and intentions
of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12) How can reading
and meditating on the Bible every day help
1. How is the Bible like a mirror?
us to see areas that we should strengthen in
order to be more successful evangelizers?
—Ps. 1:1-3.
2 Use the Bible as a Mirror: Bible accounts
of faithful servants of Jehovah teach us what
qualities are beautiful to him. For example,
David demonstrated zeal for God’s name.
(1 Sam. 17:45, 46) Isaiah courageously volunteered
to preach in difficult territory. (Isa.
6:8, 9) Jesus’ deep love for his heavenly Father
caused him to view the ministry as a
source of refreshment and satisfaction rather
than an unpleasant burden. (John 4:34)
First-century Christians preached with zeal,
relied on Jehovah, and were determined not
to give up. (Acts 5:41, 42; 2 Cor. 4:1; 2 Tim.
4:17) Meditating on such examples helps us
to look at ourselves with the objective of improving
the quality of our sacred service.
3 Act to Correct Defects: Of course, it does
us no good to look in a mirror and then ignore
a defect. We can ask Jehovah to help
us see ourselves objectively and then to help
us make needed adjustments. (Ps. 139:23,
24; Luke 11:13) Because the time left is reduced
and lives are involved, we must not
procrastinate about making necessary changes.—
1 Cor. 7:29; 1 Tim. 4:16.
4 A person’s inner self—what Jehovah takes
note of—is far more important than his outward
appearance. (1 Pet. 3:3, 4) What happens
to the man who peers into God’s Word
and then acts on what he discovers? He “has
become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of
the work; and he will be happy in what he
does.” (Jas. 1:25) Yes, we will be happy and effective
ministers because we “reflect like mirrors
the glory of Jehovah.”—2 Cor. 3:18.
2. How can the Bible help us to make a selfexamination?
3. Why should we not procrastinate in making
needed adjustments?
4. What happens to the man who peers into God’s
Word and acts on what he discovers?
HowDo I Appear to Jehovah?
1 It was the mid-seventh century B.C.E., and
Baal worship was being openly practiced in Judah.
Bad King Amon had recently been murdered,
and now young King Josiah was reigning.
(2 Chron. 33:21–34:1) During that time,
Jehovah raised up Zephaniah to declare His
judgment message. Although Zephaniah may
have been a member of Judah’s royal house,
he did not water down Jehovah’s message of
1. In what setting did Zephaniah serve as a prophet,
and how is he a good example for us today?
condemnation to Judah’s leadership. (Zeph.
1:1; 3:1-4) Similarly, we strive to imitate Zephaniah’s
courage and avoid allowing family ties
to impact our worship of Jehovah in a negative
way. (Matt. 10:34-37) What message did
Zephaniah declare, and with what results?
2 Seek Jehovah: Only Jehovah can save individuals
in the day of his anger. Thus, Zephaniah
urged the people of Judah to seek Jehovah,
seek righteousness, and seek meekness
while time still remained. (Zeph. 2:2, 3) The
same is true in our day. Like Zephaniah, we
encourage others to seek Jehovah, but we too
must act, being determined never to “turn
away from following Jehovah.” (Zeph. 1:6)
Rather, we seek Jehovah by carefully studying
his Word and by praying for his guidance.We
seek righteousness by living a morally clean
life. We seek meekness by cultivating a submissive
attitude and by readily responding to
direction from Jehovah’s organization.
3 Positive Results: Zephaniah’s judgment
message struck a responsive chord with at
least some in Judah but likely most notably
with young Josiah, who started to search for
Jehovah while he was still a boy. Josiah later
carried out a vigorous campaign against idolatry
in the land. (2 Chron. 34:2-5) Today, although
some Kingdom seed falls alongside
the road, on rocky ground, or among the
thorns, some also falls on the fine soil and
yields fruit. (Matt. 13:18-23) We are confident
that Jehovah will continue to bless our efforts
as we stay busy spreading Kingdom seed.—Ps.
4 Some in Judah felt that Jehovah would
never act. However, Jehovah assured all that
his great day was near. (Zeph. 1:12, 14) Salvation
would come only to those who took refuge
in him. (Zeph. 3:12, 17) As we ‘keep ourselves
in expectation of Jehovah,’ may we find
delight in serving unitedly with fellow worshippers
of our great God!—Zeph. 3:8, 9.
2. What action must we take to be concealed in the
day of Jehovah’s anger?
3. Why should we maintain a positive attitude in the
4. Why should we ‘keep ourselves in expectation of
Take as a Pattern the Prophets
Song 58 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cl chap. 10 _18-21, box on p. 106 (30 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 1-3 (10 min.)
No. 1: Numbers 3:21-38 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: “All Sorts of Men” Will Be Saved—rs
p. 357 _2 (5 min.)
No. 3: Accusation—How Were Accusations
Handled Under Hebrew and Roman Law?—it-1
p. 39 _4-8 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 89
10 min: Are You Prepared for the New School
Year? Discussion. Invite audience to outline
some of the challenges Christian youths face at
school. Explain how parents can use ourWeb site
and other theocratic tools to prepare their children.
(1 Pet. 3:15) Choose one or two common
challenges, and relate some of the helpful information
provided by the organization. Invite audience
to comment on how they were able to
give a witness while at school.
10 min: Interview the Secretary. What does
caring for your assignment involve? How can
group overseers and publishers help you to compile
a congregation service report that is accurate
and on time? How does an accurate report
help the elders, the circuit overseer, and
the branch office to provide needed encouragement?
10 min: “Take as a Pattern the Prophets
—Zephaniah.” Questions and answers.
Song 70 and Prayer
km14 07-E Us
Song 51 and Prayer
Q Congregation Bible Study:
cl chap. 11 _1-8 (30 min.)
Q Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Numbers 4-6 (10 min.)
No. 1: Numbers 4:17-33 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Does the Bible Say That Some Will Never
Be Saved?—rs p. 358 _1-3 (5 min.)
No. 3: Accusation—Jehovah Overrules Bad
Laws, and He Judges Those Who Make False Accusations—
it-1 p. 39 _9–p. 40 _1 (5 min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 85
10 min: Offer the Magazines During August.
Discussion. Using the sample presentations on
this page, demonstrate how the magazines may
be offered to someone when engaging in the
special campaign on the weekends. Then invite
comments from the audience on these questions:
Why should we offer the magazines on the
weekends in August when it is appropriate to do
so? What are some occasions when this would
be appropriate?
10 min: Local needs.
10 min: How Did We Do? Discussion. Invite
publishers to comment on howthey benefited by
applying points from the article “Improving Our
Skills in the Ministry—Initiating a Conversation in
Order to Witness Informally.” Ask the audience
to relate good experiences.
Song 75 and Prayer
˛ Literature offer for July: Feature one of the following
32-page brochures: Good News From God!, Listen to God,
or Listen to God and Live Forever. August: Special campaign
distribution of a new tract to advertise the
Web site. September and October: TheWatchtower and
Awake! magazines.
˛ Since August has five full weekends, it would be an excellent
month to auxiliary pioneer.
Where CanWe Find Answers to Life’s
Big Questions?
Hand the tract to the householder so that
he can see the title and say: “Hello. We are
sharing in a worldwide campaign to distribute
this important message. This is your copy.”
If you are leaving the tract at not-at-homes,
place it out of sight and avoid folding it unnecessarily.
If the householder expresses interest or desires
to talk, you might ask his opinion on the
multiple-choice question on the front. Open
the tract, and show him what Psalm 119:144,
160 says. Explain that the tract contains information
about a Web site that can help him
find satisfying answers in the Bible. Perhaps
you can show him a sample by playing the
video Why Study the Bible? Before you leave,
point out the three questions on the back
page of the tract and ask which one concerns
him the most. Offer to return so that you can
show him how to find the Bible’s answer to
that question by using When you return,
discuss the answer by looking under BIBLE
If you are also distributing invitations to your
regional convention, hand the householder the
invitation at the same time you give him the
tract and add, “In addition, we have given
you an invitation to an upcoming free public
34567_ August 1
On weekends, when appropriate, say this to
feature The Watchtower: “We would also like
to offer you our current magazines. This issue
of The Watchtower answers the question,
Is God interested in you?”
On weekends, when appropriate, say this
to feature the Awake! magazine: “We would
also like to offer you our current
magazines. This issue of
Awake! answers the question,
How can people make peace?”
Sample Presentations
Field Service Highlights
Harbor witnessing is established in 38 major ports in the
United States. In January 2014, the harbor witnessing
groups in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Seattle reported
that 98 brothers visited 274 cargo ships. They placed
1,349 books, 289 magazines, and 2,110 brochures. They
also conducted 75 Bible studies. Truly, merchants, shepherds,
and traders are part of the expansion of Jehovah’s
organization!—Isa. 60:6-9.
...The WBT$ Theft of Kingdom Hall Bank Accounts and JW Elders...
by OUTLAW in.. the new wbt$ donation arrangement/ jw kingdom hall bank account theft... is a very hot topic right now... the wbt$ is literally going to clean out kingdom hall bank accounts,filled with donations from jws... that theft is going to happen world wide..the wbt$ is going to steal from 7 million plus jw`s... .. we have jw elders here on jwn,that know whats going on... they "serve" in kingdom halls,they are "supposed" to be looking after the welfare of the average jw... they know there is a 4 page letter,only one page will be read to the congregation..the rest will be kept secret... they know the wbt$ is about to steal jw donations..on a world wide scale!!!...
.. i would like to know what you active jw elders are going to do about this??!!...
are you going to let "your" congregation know about the other 3 secret pages?...
Why is everyone so worked up?!!!???
The R&F will DONATE, DONATE, DONATE FOR THE KING AND HIS KINGDOM! Just like any of the other thousands of other denominations that do same.
God is just bad with money...poor thing
Infamous Awake of May 22, 1994 is 20 years old today
by ILoveTTATT inhow old would those children be if they hadn't sacrificed themselves to the watchtower?.
can we figure out a way to know how their families are doing, if they are still in the cult or not?.
I was 14 years old when this Awake came out and after reading it. I recall how I thought to myself, these poor kids and parents were CRAZY for dying like this. Such a loss!
"No more money, not one red cent!"
by Separation of Powers inonce you recognize that the contributions you gave for the upkeep of your place of worship have been given to the corporation and will only be used to upkeep your place of worship at their discretion...the caption will become your mantra!.
frankiespeakin The R&F will donate more, just wait and see. Some will leave but the rest will stay and praise the GB
July KM 2014 download
by suavojr inenjoy.
Vacation Destination: Looking for Input
by confusedandalone inso when the kids get out of school we plan on going away for 3 to 4 weeks for vacation but we want to go somewhere that is actually enjoyable and not just packed full of things for the kids to do.
cruises are out, to confining.
i live in the u.s. so i want to abroad an continue to get the kids passports stamped so they can be exposed to as many cultures as possible.. .
Pick a country where the WT is holding one of their International Conventions and attend the spiritual
Why not take them to Iceland, Australia
What do you call a person who . . . ?
by Terry inwhat do you call a person who keeps promising to do something for you--but won't get up off their ass and do it?.
what do you call a person who needs money from you all the time and doesn't pay it back?.
what do you call a person who keeps you waiting and waiting and then, they don't show up?.
But he is all love
What do you call a person who . . . ?
by Terry inwhat do you call a person who keeps promising to do something for you--but won't get up off their ass and do it?.
what do you call a person who needs money from you all the time and doesn't pay it back?.
what do you call a person who keeps you waiting and waiting and then, they don't show up?.
But he is all love
How many remember the 15 min break Between the Public Tlk and WT Study?
by Wasanelder Once inas kid i remember a break of 15 minutes between the public talk and the wt study.
all the new ones and "weak" ones ran out to smoke.
loved to see the attendant round them up to come back in when the droning began again.
The article that Blondie posted makes me wonder if they will ever go back to not praying before the public talk.