Quarterback did you mean 1987?
JoinedPosts by suavojr
Ray Franz - is he REALLY a hero?
by baltar447 inon one hand, he's enlightnened many to the internal circle jerk that is the governing body (circa the 70s).. but if there's one reason that can be pointed to for the jws becoming full on cult, it's ray franz.
without him leaving in the manner he did, and stirring the pot, they might not have change the rule (retroatively i might add) on shunning of disassociated ones.
they specifically changed that so they could remove him and eliminate his influence.. his actions single handedly have created the situation where we have to fade, evade, leave marriages, say goodbye to family, just because we don't buy the jw bullsh!t anymore.
Nestor and Toni Kuilan in the works of a new book!
by A.proclaimer innestor and toni kuilan are writing a book of their memoirs surrounding their experience with the 1980 apostasy hunts.. .
read a little bit about it here:.
Have fun and looking forward to view the interview. Be careful down south!
Nestor and Toni Kuilan in the works of a new book!
by A.proclaimer innestor and toni kuilan are writing a book of their memoirs surrounding their experience with the 1980 apostasy hunts.. .
read a little bit about it here:.
Where are Cris and Norma?
My Story
by objectivetruth ini'm 30 years old, and i was raised in the organization, my parents and grandparents are witnesses.. i grew up in a small town, and due to boredom or adhd or rebellion, i never took 2 minutes to look into the religion.. i always went to meetings and field service.
my parents were regular, but never "super-witnesses" so it was always the thing we did (meetings and service) not much more and nothing less.. the congregation, that i grew up in was for the most part friendly and enjoyable.. small towns, are very unique and they cannot be compared to larger city congregations.. i honk that they are a living and breathing organism, depending on the coordinators personality, so goes the personality of the congregation.
thi king back, most of the people in the town that i grew up were good people, just simple hard working & honest people... i really long for the innocence, of the time when this was the truth, and there were no worries.. driving to the conventions at 3 am with my dad and another brother, them slicing meat, me sneaking around the halls of the college, getting into all kinds of things.. conventions were a really special time for me... when i was young me and my friends would run around, messing around, pulling pranks on people, getting into forbidden areas.. running in the hall ways.
thanks for sharing and thank you snare for your comment:
The JW LIFE is a life NOBODY HAS or CAN EVER live up to. That is why they all pretend to! Just nobody admits that they are all pretending. It is such a farce!
Did the WT ever unofficially ban Kal-El?
by HowTheBibleWasCreated ina few years ago avatar was 'demonized' by the wt.
in reality their argument had an extreme ignorance of hinduism and a poor knowledge of modern langauge (avatar means something else nowadays.... ).
but anyway when i was growing up my parents recorded the 4 supermen movies on to video tape as they were played on tv.
Some JW's were ranting about Avatar in my area, and then I find out our CO gave a talk about how nice the blue colors looked
When a JW's life comes close to its end...
by suavojr intalking with a long time elder last night, was very revealing.
he has been a jw for over 60 years, a man that was incarcerated in cuba in his early 20s and faced great loss and suffering over his beliefs and for being born in a communist country.
this brave man is now brittle and low-spirited.. while nightfalls on his life, he is made aware the end is near.
Cold steel said:
And until they humble themselves, they remain in the company of a host of other spirits who roam the earth in confusion and depression.
Since when is saying 'I don't know there is a God', 'I don't see evidence for a God' be a sign of haughtiness? and what proof do you have that spirits roam the earth in confusion and depression?
This driver scared the hell out of two pioneers today in my area
by suavojr ini guess jehovah's angels got distracted.
I guess Jehovah's Angels got distracted YIKES!!!
by ADJUSTMENTS inthis is a song by lauren hill she had family ties to the jw cult, so it is very touching and moving, she even gets choked up in the middle of the song.
i like to share this song with new ones or old ones and those who have heard it before every now and again, it so refreshing and hopefull!
enjoy it!!!.
A God from Nothing? Wait...
by suavojr in.
forget jesus, the stars died so you could be born.. lawrence m. krauss, a universe from nothing: why there is something rather than nothing.
we can get a god from nothing and have no idea how this entity came into existence, but it is impossible for the believer to accept a universe from nothing.. .
“Forget Jesus, the stars died so you could be born.”
Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing
We can get a God from nothing and have no idea how this entity came into existence, but it is impossible for the believer to accept a Universe from Nothing.
Why can’t that something from nothing, be us?
July KM 2014 download
by suavojr inenjoy.