Misao Okawa is still kicking!
World's Oldest Woman Misao Okawa Celebrates 117th Birthday
i've seen a few postings of a possible "next date" for dubs of 2034. based on an article they published comparing the last days to the days of noah.
preaching for 120 years.
however, i noticed a little tidbit from wiki about age:.
Misao Okawa is still kicking!
World's Oldest Woman Misao Okawa Celebrates 117th Birthday
my wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
Thanks everyone for your support and great tips! I am getting ready now with some of your advise and will try to connect one on one. I will start easy on her and then stop once her cult persona switches on.
Wish me luck...
my wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
my wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.
My wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text. I don't read it anymore, therefore I went online and found this.
Tuesday, March 3
Those days will be cut short.—Matt. 24:22.
What can we expect will happen during the coming great tribulation? Jehovah will “cut short” the attack of the United Nations on false religion, not allowing true religion to be destroyed with the false. This will ensure that God’s people will be saved. What happens after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed? Jesus’ words indicate that there will be a period of time that will last until the start of Armageddon. What events will occur during that interval? The answer is recorded at Ezekiel 38:14-16 and Matthew 24:29-31. After those events, we will witness Armageddon, the climax of the great tribulation, which parallels Jerusalem’s destruction in 70 C.E. (Mal. 4:1) With the battle of Armageddon as its climax, that coming great tribulation will be unique—an event “such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning.” (Matt. 24:21) When it has passed, Christ’s Millennial Rule will begin. w13 7/15 1:7, 8
I have plenty of information to use but what can I use? She is scared, she wants to study this topic with me. How can I talk with her true identity? I need to keep her cult personality off and help her use her critical thinking abilities. What to do and what to say? I am going to test the waters and plan to talk about the following.
· *** g95 6/22 p. 3 Predictions of the World’s End ***
This article mentions that end times prophecies have been around forever and they've all failed. Goes on to mention William Miller and 1844, mentions Harold Camping and many more. Conveniently they forget to mention their own failures in 1874, 1878, 1914, 1925, 1940s, 1975 and before the 21st century.
Also I was planning to share this footnote,
Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect. Because of this, some have called them false prophets. Never in these instances, however, did they presume to originate predictions 'in the name of Jehovah.' Never did they say, 'These are the words of Jehovah.' TheWatchtower, the official journal of Jehovah's Witnesses, has said: "We have not the gift of prophecy." (January 1883, page 425) "Nor would we have our writings reverenced or regarded as infallible." (December 15, 1896, page 306) TheWatchtower has also said that the fact that some have Jehovah's spirit "does not mean those now serving as Jehovah's witnesses are inspired. It does not mean that the writings in this magazine TheWatchtower are inspired and infallible and without mistakes." (May 15, 1947, page 157) "TheWatchtower does not claim to be inspired in its utterances, nor is it dogmatic." (August 15, 1950, page 263) "The brothers preparing these publications are not infallible. Their writings are not inspired as are those of Paul and the other Bible writers. (2 Tim. 3:16) And so, at times, it has been necessary, as understanding became clearer, to correct views. (Prov. 4:18)"-February 15, 1981, page 19.
g93 3/22 pp. 3-4 / Why So Many False Alarms?
2006 revelation its grand climax at hand--pdf!
bookmarked searchable reduced click the link at the bottom of the next page.
http://www.sendspace.com/file/1duzi9 cheers!
bullet point #13 is what they want to focus on .
7. construction servant ............................................................................................................................ par.
11. kingdom hall maintenance ............................................................................................................... par.
Look at how they mentioned him in last Sunday's WT study.
December 2014, Study article Do You Appreciate What You Have Received? paragraph 11.
They make it sound as if Jesus is simply another bible character to consider. They hide the fact that Christianity is all about Christ!
Would not be complete without giving attention to Jesus? Seriously? Without Jesus you would not have any so called truth about the kingdom, no gospels, no hope for a resurrection, no after life, no so called paradise, etc... and they simply alluded to him as a good "example" not "the example", "the truth, the way", you get where I'm going with this.
11 Our consideration of good examples would not be complete without giving attention to Jesus, God’s Son. He received much from his Father, and he truly valued it. That appreciation for what he had been taught is evident in his words: “Just as the Father taught me, I speak these things.” (John 8:28) And it was his desire that others benefit from what he had received. He told the crowds: “I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent.” (Luke 4:18, 43) He helped his listeners to see the need for being “no part of the world,” which in general does not value spiritual things.—John 15:19.
bullet point #13 is what they want to focus on .
7. construction servant ............................................................................................................................ par.
11. kingdom hall maintenance ............................................................................................................... par.
Bullet point #13 is what they want to focus on
Christian Congregation
of Jehovah’s Witnesses
2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237 Phone: (845) 306-1100
2/23/15-E Us
February 23, 2015
Re: Local Design/Construction Department Broadcast Highlights
Table of Contents
Organizational Refinements ................................................................................................................. Par. 2
Kingdom Hall Construction and Renovations ..................................................................................... Par. 5
Construction Groups ............................................................................................................................ Par. 6
Construction Volunteer ........................................................................................................................ Par. 7
Construction Servant ............................................................................................................................ Par. 8
Local Construction Servant .................................................................................................................. Par. 9
LDC Volunteer ................................................................................................................................... Par. 10
Congregation Volunteer ..................................................................................................................... Par. 11
Kingdom Hall Maintenance ............................................................................................................... Par. 12
Dear Brothers:
1. The Local Design/Construction Department broadcast on January 31, 2015, was indeed
a special occasion that provided a better understanding of the changes being made to accelerate
Kingdom Hall construction. We are pleased to provide this letter to outline highlights from
that meeting for your future reference.
2. Organizational Refinements: A new world headquarters department, Worldwide
Design/Construction (WDC), was formed to oversee the scheduling and expediting of worldwide
construction and renovation projects. Regional Design/Construction Departments (RDCs) serve
as an extension of the WDC in overseeing construction in countries in their region. A Local Design/
Construction Department (LDC) serving at the branch office level is responsible for coordinating
the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of Kingdom Halls and Assembly
Halls in the local branch territory.
3. A branch-wide plan is used to prioritize the needs for Kingdom Halls. LDC field representatives
gather information from bodies of elders, circuit overseers, and others about local
needs and circumstances. Field representatives generally meet with the Congregation Service
Committee. However, other elders may attend if a body of elders feels that would be beneficial.
The most critical needs are filled first. As congregations patiently wait for their needs to be cared
for, they show generosity toward those with more urgent needs.—Phil. 2:4.
4. Because of the size of the United States branch territory, it has been divided into eight
zones. A Local Design/Construction Office (LDCO) established in each zone cares for the work of
construction and maintenance in its zone and cares for those assigned to do the work. Specific details
will be provided later regarding the LDCO to which your congregation is assigned.
5. Kingdom Hall Construction and Renovations: Decisions related to what goes into
a Kingdom Hall, where a Kingdom Hall should be built, when it should be remodeled, and what
congregations should attend the Kingdom Hall are now made by the branch office. Standardization
will streamline the purchasing process and will lower costs. The new design incorporates
commercial features that will be more durable and cost-effective. Principles of this design will also
be used when possible on renovation projects.
6. Construction Groups: Under the guidance of the LDC, construction groups care for
the construction and renovation of theocratic facilities. (These construction groups should not be
confused with the construction groups being used to identify persons to fill the needs at the
Warwick construction project.) Construction groups are composed of up to eight special full-time
construction servants or full-time construction volunteers. Congregations are extended the privilege
of offering as much support as their circumstances allow.
7. Construction Volunteer: An exemplary baptized brother or sister who is skilled with
at least a few years of work experience and who is available full-time from one week to six
months may serve as a construction volunteer. Applicants must be at least 19 years of age. Preference
is given to elders, ministerial servants, and pioneers. Depending on circumstances and
availability, a construction volunteer may receive an assignment anywhere within the branch territory
or even in another country. A construction volunteer applies by completing the Application
for Construction Volunteer Program (A-27), which is available in the “Forms” section of jw.org.
8. Construction Servant: After serving as a construction volunteer for three months, a
brother or sister may apply to serve as a construction servant. This assignment is generally for
one year or until the completion of the project to which the servant is assigned. When invited, he
or she applies by completing the Application to Become a Construction Servant in the Worldwide
Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses (A-32). This application is only available
from the branch office.
9. Local Construction Servant: After first serving as a construction volunteer for three
months, a brother or sister may apply to serve as a local construction servant. He or she would be
able to care for the assignment while living in his or her own home. The assignment is generally
for one year or until the completion of the project to which the servant is assigned. Similar to a
construction servant, he or she applies by completing an Application to Become a Construction
Servant in the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses (A-32).
10. LDC Volunteer: An exemplary baptized brother or sister with needed skills or aptitude
who is available periodically to support construction or maintenance projects within a reasonable
travel distance may apply to be an LDC volunteer. An LDC volunteer must be an example
worthy of imitation in such areas as meeting attendance, zeal in the ministry, and respect
and support of the body of elders. An LDC volunteer applies by completing the Local Design/
Construction Volunteer Application (DC-50), which is available in the “Forms” section of
jw.org. This application replaces the Regional Building Committee Volunteer Application (S-82).
11. Congregation Volunteer: A local publisher who is at least 17 years of age and who
is not under judicial restrictions may be used as a congregation volunteer. He or she is invited to
work on his or her own Kingdom Hall. There is no application. Congregation volunteers receive
approval through the Congregation Service Committee of the body of elders.
12. Kingdom Hall Maintenance: There is a connection between our zeal for worship and
our zeal for caring for our places of worship. To assist in this work, a new Kingdom Hall maintenance
program is gradually being introduced throughout the United States branch territory under
the direction of the LDC. The goals of this program are to extend the life of our Kingdom Halls
and to conserve dedicated funds. Under this arrangement, Kingdom Hall maintenance processes
will be unified worldwide. LDC field trainers, brothers and sisters serving as full-time construction
servants, will arrange to meet with bodies of elders and to provide maintenance training to local
brothers and sisters. Until this arrangement is made available in your area, continue to support the
maintenance needs for your Kingdom Hall as directed by your Regional Building Committee.
13. How can everyone have a share in these adjustments? We can give financial contributions
to build Kingdom Halls. (2 Cor. 8:13-15) We can continue to support the greatest preaching
campaign in history. (Matt. 28:19, 20) And we can keep theocratic construction projects in our
daily prayers, asking Jehovah to bless these efforts.
14. Thank you in advance for your support of these arrangements and for your encouraging
others to “offer themselves willingly.”—Ps. 110:3.
heathen's thread "property tax and the home bible study" veered off onto this subject, so i am starting a new thread for it.
the granite pyramid monument placed next to charles russell's grave site was also a time capsule!
placed with it were photos of russell, his writings, books, and other items!..
heathen's thread "property tax and the home bible study" veered off onto this subject, so i am starting a new thread for it.
the granite pyramid monument placed next to charles russell's grave site was also a time capsule!
placed with it were photos of russell, his writings, books, and other items!..
watchtower body of elder letters:.. this pdf file is the largest boe file ever compiled.
it has been downloaded at least 30 times with no virus issues.
the file is from 1905 to 2015 updated, and includes all the elder manuals from 1961 to 2010 at the bottom of the bookmarks.
Wow! Thanks for this gem. I just have a nice collection to read up on THANKS SO MUCH