It was a study made by the Save the Children Foundation.
JoinedPosts by InquiryMan
Being a mother in the US
by InquiryMan ini found this interesting news on motherhood in the us vs other countries.. a woman in the us has a pregnancy death risk that is five times h igher than a woman living in bosnia, greece or italy, and ten times as big as an irishi woman, states the report on motherhood in various countries.. on child mortality_ eight in a thousand children in the us dies before the age of five, placing us on the same level as slovakia and montenegro.. an american child has twice the chance of daying before it is five than a child in finland, iceland, sweden or singapore.. only 61 per cent of children in the usa attend a kindergarten, making the united states number seven among developing countries, counting from the bottom that is.
no other industrialialised country has such a bad mother maternity arrangement as the us (considing both the length and salary).
norway is the country which has the honor of being number 1 on being a mother.. the maternity leave is currently at at 44 weeks with full salary (based on your job before the pregnancy.
Being a mother in the US
by InquiryMan ini found this interesting news on motherhood in the us vs other countries.. a woman in the us has a pregnancy death risk that is five times h igher than a woman living in bosnia, greece or italy, and ten times as big as an irishi woman, states the report on motherhood in various countries.. on child mortality_ eight in a thousand children in the us dies before the age of five, placing us on the same level as slovakia and montenegro.. an american child has twice the chance of daying before it is five than a child in finland, iceland, sweden or singapore.. only 61 per cent of children in the usa attend a kindergarten, making the united states number seven among developing countries, counting from the bottom that is.
no other industrialialised country has such a bad mother maternity arrangement as the us (considing both the length and salary).
norway is the country which has the honor of being number 1 on being a mother.. the maternity leave is currently at at 44 weeks with full salary (based on your job before the pregnancy.
Being a mother in the US
by InquiryMan ini found this interesting news on motherhood in the us vs other countries.. a woman in the us has a pregnancy death risk that is five times h igher than a woman living in bosnia, greece or italy, and ten times as big as an irishi woman, states the report on motherhood in various countries.. on child mortality_ eight in a thousand children in the us dies before the age of five, placing us on the same level as slovakia and montenegro.. an american child has twice the chance of daying before it is five than a child in finland, iceland, sweden or singapore.. only 61 per cent of children in the usa attend a kindergarten, making the united states number seven among developing countries, counting from the bottom that is.
no other industrialialised country has such a bad mother maternity arrangement as the us (considing both the length and salary).
norway is the country which has the honor of being number 1 on being a mother.. the maternity leave is currently at at 44 weeks with full salary (based on your job before the pregnancy.
I found this interesting news on motherhood in the US vs other countries.
A woman in the US has a pregnancy death risk that is five times h igher than a woman living in Bosnia, Greece or Italy, and ten times as big as an Irishi woman, states the report on motherhood in various countries.
On child mortality_ Eight in a thousand children in the US dies before the age of five, placing US on the same level as Slovakia and Montenegro.
An American child has twice the chance of daying before it is five than a child in Finland, Iceland, Sweden or Singapore.
Only 61 per cent of children in the USA attend a kindergarten, making the United States number seven among developing countries, counting from the bottom that is. No other industrialialised country has such a bad mother maternity arrangement as the US (considing both the length and salary).
Norway is the country which has the honor of being number 1 on being a mother.The maternity leave is currently at at 44 weeks with full salary (based on your job before the pregnancy. It is a maxium of the salary-compensation). If one opts for 80 per cent coverage the duration is 54 weeks. A minimum of six of those weeks are to be taken by the father of the child. The parents can split the time as they want.
For those who are not working prior to the pregnancy (rather uncommon in Norway), a single amount of 35.009 are paid to the mother (that is roughly 6000 US dollars).
Undercover JWs in Lebanon
by behemot inlebanon: in muslim middle east, jehovah's witnesses congregate in secretapril 17, 2010 | 9:03am sphereit start .
an elegantly dressed lebanese woman in a black and white chanel suit stood up and offered her seat to a philippine domestic worker, "please sit, i'll go look for more chairs.".
the unusual scene in lebanon, where wealthy locals more often than not abuse and exploit migrant workers from asia, was at an undercover jehovah's witnesses congregation just outside of beirut.. .
It was an interesting article, shedding some light on JWs in the Arab world.
I did ONCE... We had sort of a long pole (2-3 metres , at least it felt that long) with a microphone in the end.
I am not a very strong person physically speaking, so I managed to shake a lot while doing this, the pole making sound and one time during the meeting I managed to hit a sisters head with the microphone.
I was relieved of that assignment. And I handled the magazines and loved doing that. Got to talk with all the brothers and sisters.
And got the magazines in advance before the others...
If you were an elder, how many judicial committees were you on, (if you can even remember how many)
by gubberningbody ini was trying to calculate the number and i lost track at 30-something.
now i was an elder for 15 years, so i was wondering how that figured for averages among others..
For 12 years, only once... Never volunteered, but once....
Health Care Reform Bill Passes - Now What?
by BizzyBee incelebration for some and gnashing of teeth for others.
some are feeling angry and wounded tonight.
some are celebrating vindication after much rhetoric and inaccuracies.
Congratutulations USA. Finally you´ve joined the civilized world, providing healthcare for all...
JW spanking their kids
by asilentone inwhat do you think about jw spanking their kids at the kingdom hall?
In the past two decades spanking is unheard of among witnesses and all references to physical punishmant is omitted or rephrased in watchtower literature in Norway.
Germany's delegate to Eurovision Song Contest
by GermanXJW inwe in germany have now identified our candidate for the eurovision song contest in may 2010 in osloand i must say: she is quite a character.. her name is lena meyer-landrut and she will perform the song "satellite".. she is young and cute, but during the process she performed some songs in her very own way:.
take a look and enjoy at:
(songs start after some intro.
Welcome to Oslo, Great to have some ESC fans among us...
"Worlds Apart" On SUNDANCE Channel in two hours!!!
by ziddina infor those of you who haven't yet caught this movie or purchased a copy; "worlds apart", about a young swedish (?
) jehovah's witness girl who is disfellowshipped and subjected to shunning, starts at 8:30 p.m. eastern standard time on the sundance channel... [6:30 p.m. mountain standard - rocky mountain time...].
if you have cable that includes the sundance channel, you might be able to catch this movie - tell us what you think of it in the other thread titled "worlds apart" reviewed by an x-jw" that you can also find in the recent 'active' listing.... happy viewing!
Beards are acceptable, even for elders at district convention level (giving talks) in Denmark.
Also, at the international assembly in Copenhagen, some conventioners did hold up placards so that was not exagerrated either...