I´d say that they have a rock-star lifestyle is somewhat of an hyperbole and slightly inaccurate
JoinedPosts by InquiryMan
What Is It That Really Troubles the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by orangefatcat inwell i think what worries them the most is that more and more witnesses are becoming free thinkers and that is troubling them, it worries them that thinking freely will cause them to seek answers elsewhere and that is the last thing the gb wants.
they have pulled the reins so tight now how much tighter can they pull before many witnesss crack under their yokes.
what is your thoughts on this matter.. .
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
Well, in fact 150,000 were gathered. Never been so many assembled at one time since liberation day May 8th 1945
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
Amazing - more than 100,000 people in Oslo (20 per cent of the population) gathered at the city square with roses in their hands showing support for the victims and a firm resolve to meet hatred with love, tolerance and compassion. I am proud to live in such a human country.
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
All the Nordic countries will stand still one minute in silence today to commemorate those who died in the massacre and bombings in Oslo.
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
I am fine. As I wrote in a previous posting, we went to the capital city to place flowers on the "flower ocean" in front of the Oslo Cathedral and lit lights.
Today, the whole country will take one minute silence at 12 o´clock. The first hour at work me and my colleagues were talking about what had taken place...
The brother of a team player in my son´s football team was shot dead at the island. Thus his team had a memorial yesterday. So far, names have not been published of those being killed. Then the 2nd wave of grief will take place in our country. Keep in mind that at the youth rally there were young people from all over the country assembles, thus the whole country is directly affected by this. We are just five million people - thus almost everyone will know someone who knows someone....
People are not vengeful. in fact many are relieved that non-white muslims are not behind the events, cause that might have increased tension and racism in society.. Now people hopefully will be more inclined to less prone to bigotry and mistrust of people different than themselves.
It is really sad, it has been a weekend of reflection, tears, disbelief and sadness. But we will go on.
It is like the young woman who stated to CNN: If one man can show so much hatred, just imagine how much love we can show all together." or something along those lines.
Norwegian values of inclusiveness, solidarity, social consciousness will perservere and we want to keep our open, transparent society, albeit some modificiations I guess when it comes to security etc...
Thanks for your concern.
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
Thank you, Simon.
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
I went to Oslo earlier today with my husband. We paid our respects to the victims and their relatives by adding flowers to a giant flower ocean outside the Cathedral. We also lit candles and offered a brief prayer.
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
I don´t think irony is the right approach now. Right now it is enough to be fellow humans...
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
Right now, the premier minister, minister of justice, minister of health, HM King Harald V, HM Queen Sonja and HRH Crown Prince Haakon Magnus are present on site on Sundvollen, near Utøya island to comfort those who griev and the survivors.
Breaking News: Explosion in Oslo
by leavingwt injust heard about this via twitter.. .
more photos: http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/article4180673.ece.
Thank you