JoinedTopics Started by SkyGreen
Child abuse case news
by SkyGreen in
News article
by SkyGreen in
Men & Women - How true this is!
by SkyGreen in .
In Honour of the upcoming Memorial! (Aussies will LOVE this)
by SkyGreen injust found these hilarious videos on youtube... if you want a really good laugh, please watch - youtube channel is kingdomhallofjws.
if someone can imbed the videos/ make the links clickable that would be great..... .
by SkyGreen inthe husband just gave me the new march km (im using it folded up as a coaster at the moment) and a new "blood card" to complete, along with a copy of a set of instructions for how to fill it out and a letter from wts to every baptised publisher.
i said to him "i wont be needing that" and gave it back to him, and he just said, well just throw it out then - no overreaction yay :o) without telling him, about a month ago, (i tore up my existing no blood directive.
our kids have never carried around "identity cards" we were never that diligent about it).
SkyGreen is no longer one of Jehovahs Witnesses... Why?
by SkyGreen inwow it felt good to type that heading, if only it were officially true!.
i guess i dont want to dwell on "ttatt" too much, though i am now an inactive jw now, and will be forever, i dont want to be defined by that.
but i will certainly keep an eye on this forum, contribute where i feel i can, and i must say thankyou to those who moderate it and keep it running.
Anyone with Happy Memories from being a JW born in, please post here....
by SkyGreen infirst up, happy new year .
hi everyone, ok i guess this is controversial, but im doing it as therapy for me - so im not bitter about the way i was raised.
plus i want to see if i can be the op of an "epic thread"!!.
Being Agnostic is depressing me....
by SkyGreen infor those that dont know my story, basically i "woke up the ttatt" about a year ago, started fading, then went back, now fading again because i just cant stomach it anymore.
my husband is very supportive, although he's still "in" for now, and trying to be regular with meetings and witnessing, he can see my point of view now, and often notices things in the wt or other publications that are "off".
the fading thing is hard, sometimes i want to da, but because of the upheaval it would cause my family, im waiting a little while - i guess hoping that my husband will be on the same page at some point, so that we can support eachother.
Calling all Aussies and Kiwis
by SkyGreen inif u don't mind saying if u r kiwi or aussie, and basic info like m/f, how long in, how long out, or if fading like me.. im female i live in aussie but born in nz fading the last few months.
know it ain't the truth, but am married with little kids and closest family and friends all in.
trying the slow fade and hoping my husband will do the same... being very gentle with him... .