One of the President's comments about the Greenland offer. He does have a great sense of humor.
the donald has recently suggested that he would like to look into buying greenland from denmark in the same manner that alaska was purchased from the russians.
i think the danes would be smart to look into selling it as it is costing them money every year with very little returns for their investments so far.. the alternative might well be that donald declares greenland a national security threat and invades them so that the world remains safe for democracy.
i would suggest to the danes that as any other real estate transaction that they put it on the open market and see how much russia or china are willing to offer .
One of the President's comments about the Greenland offer. He does have a great sense of humor.
i apologise if this has been discussed while i was on vacation, but i've just become aware of it.. is the wtbts preparing to avoid losing a fortune, by declaring bankruptcy?.
the cult's scumbags may be about to initiate their own "great tribulation.
Non-profits, including churches, can file for bankruptcy. Under Chapter 7 assets are liquidated and the proceeds go to creditors. Under Chapter 11, debt is reorganized and creditors are paid off on a Court approved schedule.
A reason why churches file for bankruptcy is to stop new civil suits from being filed. When bankruptcy is filed, the amount any existing civil suit is worth is decided by Bankruptcy Court, not Civil Court.
i've had very little to do with jw's since the early 1990's.
however, i do try to stay a little informed on what they are up to as i have several close relatives who are devout.
i rely on this site to keep me updated.. over the weekend i learned that a couple of my relatives, a father and son, have decided that they are anointed and had some bread and wine at the last memorial.
Thanks for the response, people. The word/concept of "anointed" isn't part of my everyday language. It's not even part of my every-decade language!
i've had very little to do with jw's since the early 1990's.
however, i do try to stay a little informed on what they are up to as i have several close relatives who are devout.
i rely on this site to keep me updated.. over the weekend i learned that a couple of my relatives, a father and son, have decided that they are anointed and had some bread and wine at the last memorial.
I've had very little to do with jw's since the early 1990's. However, I do try to stay a little informed on what they are up to as I have several close relatives who are devout. I rely on this site to keep me updated.
Over the weekend I learned that a couple of my relatives, a father and son, have decided that they are anointed and had some bread and wine at the last memorial. How often does this happen? I thought the anointed class was closed. Is that just an incorrect memory or has doctrine change?
I can't say that I knew a lot of people claiming to be anointed back in the day. What I do remember about the few I knew of is that they were old and a bit whacky. They did know their bibles though. I'm sure the ones I was aware of are long dead by now.
why are for the most part brown-colored people held in detention centers?
where are the rest of illegal immigrants?i think the question is valid -- as one website noted: "the u.s. government does not maintain reliable demographics of who is in immigration detention..." (
a canadian woman not too long ago said to me (spontaneously - i did not bring up the subject) the following words when she heard the live tv news broadcast, which dealt about the immigrants being held at dozens of detention centers in usa: "i am canadian, and i have been living here illegally for 29 years.
Who the hell wants to see Canadians locked up in a detention center?
Have you ever been to Thunder Bay? Just saying...
BTW, my previous thoughts on this matter do not apply to Quebec. Quebec is not Canada.
why are for the most part brown-colored people held in detention centers?
where are the rest of illegal immigrants?i think the question is valid -- as one website noted: "the u.s. government does not maintain reliable demographics of who is in immigration detention..." (
a canadian woman not too long ago said to me (spontaneously - i did not bring up the subject) the following words when she heard the live tv news broadcast, which dealt about the immigrants being held at dozens of detention centers in usa: "i am canadian, and i have been living here illegally for 29 years.
LOL, Timmies = Tims = Time Hortons
Good grief! Even the pigeons are addicted!
why are for the most part brown-colored people held in detention centers?
where are the rest of illegal immigrants?i think the question is valid -- as one website noted: "the u.s. government does not maintain reliable demographics of who is in immigration detention..." (
a canadian woman not too long ago said to me (spontaneously - i did not bring up the subject) the following words when she heard the live tv news broadcast, which dealt about the immigrants being held at dozens of detention centers in usa: "i am canadian, and i have been living here illegally for 29 years.
There are about 100,000 illegal Canadians living in the US. The US has a population of 330,000,000. I would guess that most of the 100,000 illegals from the north are white given Canada is 72% white (almost identical to the US) and most Canadians speak passable English. Additionally about 70% of Canadians live within 50 miles of the US border and have easy access to American cultural influences (sorry Canadians). So if you are white, speak English, and know that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth just split up after 7 months of marriage (I was really rooting for those two), that illegal would blend in with Americans far easier than say a non-English speaking brown guy from El Salvador. Also, if hundreds - if not thousands - of Canadians were crossing the border illegally daily, there would be detention centers filled with detained Canadians waiting to be sent back.
I saw a young lady not to long ago and someone said she was Canadian (immigration status unknown). She looked to be in pretty bad shape and kept saying, "Where's the timmies? I need timmies! PLEASE GOD! SEND ME SOME TIMMIES!" I have no idea what "timmies" means, some sort of narcotic perhaps. It was a sad thing to see.
recently a friend and i were having a conversation about the news media.
he is a democrat but he’s also a very reasonable person.
i’ve known him for many years.
"If it bleeds, it leads."
Paper from a century ago:
recently a friend and i were having a conversation about the news media.
he is a democrat but he’s also a very reasonable person.
i’ve known him for many years.
Has the news media ever been trustworthy?
according to mathew 6:9 jesus instructed his followers in, vs. 9 " you must pray, then this way "our father in the heavens,let your name be sanctified ..... which rank & file jehovah`s witnesses have been led to believe for the past 140 or so years is to make a personal name of god namely jehovah known to all of the world ,because as they have so loudly professed christendom has kept that name away from the general public.. not true ,raymundus martinus a spanish catholic monk of the 13th-14th century first coined that name for god and it has been used in and on churches throughout christendom in the world ever since.. true christendoms emphasis has been on witnessing about jesus christ which is what the new testament is all about,not jehovah god, but jesus christ .
phillipians 2 :9-11. in the new testament ,( cgs ) jesus christ is never recorded as saying the personal name of god ever.. " " none of the apostles are ever recorded as saying the personal name of god ever.. " " none of his disciples are ever recorded as saying the personal name of god ever.. the new testament ,christian greek scriptures are all about bearing witness about jesus christ and after his time of bringing back people under his kingdom will he turn then it back over to his father, a thousand years when his rule is finished.. that is the message of the"kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" published by the wtb&ts ,says..
A little off topic, but I've wondered about this. It's been a long time since I set foot in a kingdom hall, but if I recall correctly a male witness would sometimes be asked to say a prayer. What would happen if the prayer sayer said something like this, "I would like all to join me in saying the Lord's Prayer. Our Father...." Would the audience join in? Would they know the prayer? Would there be confusion? I've attended other church services, mostly funerals, and have heard the Lord's Prayer said several times. Has it ever been used in a kingdom hall? If not, why not?