If there is no need to reply immediately, send your reply on April 9, 2021. The reply could be as simple as, "You were saying...?"
Make sure to include the original note in your reply.
just received this note out of the blue from a pimi jw.
how would you respond?.
hi vander,.
If there is no need to reply immediately, send your reply on April 9, 2021. The reply could be as simple as, "You were saying...?"
Make sure to include the original note in your reply.
it’s cognac.
couldn’t sign-in for some reason so i created a new account.
just was wondering what’s going on with the memorial this year cause my kids father wants to have them during that time.
I'd suggest milk and cookies.
i am curious can a single jw sister get a breast augmentation?
will the elders disfellowship her?
will jehovah be angry with her or upset?
Dolly Parton, an expert on cosmetic surgery and religion, said (paraphrasing), "The Lord helps those who help themselves. So if it bags, sags, or drags I get it fixed."
mia was almost 8 and she was the sweetest dog who was my girlfriend’s constant companion.
she had a wonderful disposition and was just a source of joy to everyone who would meet her.. she was brought to the vet on thursday and seemed to have digestive issues.
the vet gave her medicine and said it would make her sleepy.
I've shed way more tears over pets that died than over most people who have died.
mia was almost 8 and she was the sweetest dog who was my girlfriend’s constant companion.
she had a wonderful disposition and was just a source of joy to everyone who would meet her.. she was brought to the vet on thursday and seemed to have digestive issues.
the vet gave her medicine and said it would make her sleepy.
I'm sorry this happened. It happens to everyone who has a pet and it is never easy. I've had numerous dogs and cats over the years. The last few dogs I've had were senior adoptions. It doesn't matter if those seniors last a few months or a couple of years, it truly sucks to have to make that final decision. Take the time to mourn your loss.
i really don't understand why states have to bid against each other for essential items such as medical supplies.
when you get into bidding wars, the consumers are the ones who lose.. put 50 people in an auction for a product and the one who wins is the manufacturer, not the ones purchasing.. my wife works for a multi-national corporation.
if she is importing or exporting goods, she doesn't determine what the costs will be; this is already determined through the corporate offices that negotiate worldwide movement of products.
Since 9/11, New York in general and NYC in particular has spent billions and billions on disaster preparations. Every time these was a major event in the CIty (think New Years Eve in Times Square) the Mayor or Police Chief or Fire Chief or any other 2-bit politician that cared to would go on TV and when asked, "Are you prepared for the unthinkable tonight?" they would say, "NYC is the best prepared, best trained, best equipped city in the world to handle anything that comes." From natural disasters to terrorists, they were ready. Dirty bombs, suit-case bombs, biological attacks; they claimed they could handle it. Yet, within the first few days of COVID-19 showing up, the Governor and the Mayor were begging for help. What happened to all the claimed preparedness? Where did it all go? Did it ever exist in the first place?
Oh, I forgot: Orange Man Bad...
so this elder is super brainwashed, as is his wife.
she actually made a comment that she wished antmo 3 was her dad and that he is so cool.
oh my god, i threw up in my mouth.
I would think a lot of organizations are doing outreach activities. I'm a supervisor at work and all staff are working from home. Supervisors have been directed to call - not email or text - each of our subordinates at least weekly. This call is not about work. We are calling to see how they and their families are doing and to see if they need anything. I'm not surprised that jw's would have their own peculiar way of doing outreach.
this period of crisis seems endless and absolutely weird but end it will.. in the mean-time people are working successfully from home, the skies have cleared, international meetings are held on line.
lots of frustrating commuter journeys are just not necessary.
the world is cleaning itself almost visibly in days, the skies are clearing.
We are all Felix Unger now...
sheltering in place, working from home, watching the news...nice to take a break with a fun video.
what gave you a good laugh?
post it here.
Toronto Symphony performs Appalachian Spring using video conferencing software. This is a great way to use Zoom!
saw on the news a story about using plasma from people who have recovered from covid-19 being used to treat people who have covid-19 via transfusion.
well, if that proves to be effective, i guess it would really stink to be a jw!
maybe the governing body would decree that in instances of covid-19, and only with covid-19, the whole "no blood" thing would be ignored.
Saw on the news a story about using plasma from people who have recovered from COVID-19 being used to treat people who have COVID-19 via transfusion. Well, if that proves to be effective, I guess it would really stink to be a JW! Maybe the governing body would decree that in instances of COVID-19, AND ONLY WITH COVID-19, the whole "no blood" thing would be ignored. Or maybe they will say plasma is a factor of blood that is a matter of conscience.