If Trump wasn't such a tone deaf empty suit he would go to Tulsa tomorrow and tour the site of the Black Wall Street massacre. At the end of the tour he would lay a wreath in remembrance of those who suffered and died on that dreadful day and then announce that he will sign into law legislation that would make Juneteenth a National holiday. Some view this as more pandering but I think Trump, a Republican, signing into law a holiday that enshrines the Emancipation Proclamation that was made by Lincoln, the original Republican, would be almost poetic during this troubled time. It would also honor and remind people of the soldiers who fought and died to preserve the Union while crushing that peculiar institution, slavery. Democrats would hate this.
At the very least I hope Trump says something about Black Wall Street and the massacre that occurred there. But he will no doubt prattle on about building big beautiful walls and how great the economy will be "soon" (where have I heard that crap word before) and give shout outs to the military and cops...you know the script.
If you don't know anything about the Black Wall Street massacre, 60 Minutes had a segment on it last Sunday. It's worth the 15 minutes to watch.