I'm not worried about contracting it. Contracting COVID is kind of a foredrawn conclusion in my opinion. I'm also not obsessed with the idea that if I contract it I'll die. I guess it's possible. It's also possible that I'll slip and fall in the shower and die, but I still take showers. I do take precautions. I mask up in a crowd, I make sure I'm getting plenty of vitamin D, and I am exercising more as I do have a couple of underlying conditions. People need to keep this in perspective. Heart disease leads to 650,000 deaths per year in the USA because we are fat and lazy. If people worried more about heart disease and took action to prevent it, people would be healthier to fight off any viral infection including COVID. So get off your couch, get outdoors into the sunshine, and get moving. It'll do your heart and your immune system a lot of good. Speaking of which, I need to get off the couch and go for a bike ride. I'm peddling 15-20 miles three times a week. It does wonders for my body and mind.