Rapists have to ask themselves , is it really worth it??
Rape is a crime of power and violence, not lust.
three teens were convicted of stealing and the punishment is cut off their fingers.
some past punishments were finger and foot removal.
pretty barbaric but i bet they don’t have too many looters there..
Rapists have to ask themselves , is it really worth it??
Rape is a crime of power and violence, not lust.
Posted at the same time. We must watch the same news feeds.
Suddenly COVID-19 recedes into the background...what will happen next?
some believe protesters have the “right” to block main roads, traffic and other places simply because they have a right to protest something.. in la, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would die!
in nyc blm protesters blocked the george washington bridge and other major highways and streets to protest for their cause.. do you think this is acceptable?
When the looting starts, the shooting starts
Really? It's just stuff and those stores have insurance. Think of it as a form of reparations....at least that is what I have been hearing.
I admit freely, one benefit of looting is the hilarious videos of looters having their loot being "stolen" by other looters. There have been absolute brawls over a pair of looted Nike shoes.
How many protesters were there?
Yeah! How many? If it was less than 100 it doesn't count as a protest! Did they light any fires? Did the hospital gift shop get looted? No! It wasn't a protest! Did any protesters go into the hospital cafeteria and start flipping tables and throwing food? It wasn't a protest!
some believe protesters have the “right” to block main roads, traffic and other places simply because they have a right to protest something.. in la, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would die!
in nyc blm protesters blocked the george washington bridge and other major highways and streets to protest for their cause.. do you think this is acceptable?
No, that should not happen. But I'm a white baby boomer and male so my opinion is not relevant.
i feel awful for her.
she was given permission to get a silly haircut and then the salon owner tattles on her.
yup, she was set up!!
The person third in line to the nuclear launch codes was "set up" by a hair salon. Let that sink in for a moment.
2020-08-25 food distribution program.
those on the email list have already received this letter.
if you would like a copy, reply below and i'll meet you at your pm box with a link.petra!.
I clicked the link and saw a photo of a woman showing her LONG, LONG braided blonde hair. Beautiful! Thanks for that.
there is either a conspiracy against blacks in this country and police are out to get them or it’s that they are getting caught breaking the law and often times refuse to obey police authority.
In Minneapolis, if a murder suspect commits suicide the riots, arson, and looting starts. Fun times we are living in.
what’s your opinion of sports teams postponing games either to recognize or protest a social issue cause?
It's thoughtful of the teams to cancel the games tonight so everyone will have the opportunity to tune in to watch the great President Donald J. Trump give his speech as the Republicans close out their convention. God bless the professional athletes!
thankfully my best friend who got this terrible malady is doing well after being in the hospital for more than two months!
i see some people who are still petrified over this virus.
they are still virtual prisoners in their own homes.
RubaDub wrote:
"If you people drove on the right side of the road then things would be better."
I spent some time in New Zealand a few years ago. A Kiwi friend told me, "In America you drive on the right side of the rode. In New Zealand, we drive on the proper side."
That's a really good line.