Bah! I have great Netflix shows to watch.
I'm with Listener. I'll catch the recaps and replays tomorrow.
Bah! I have great Netflix shows to watch.
I'm with Listener. I'll catch the recaps and replays tomorrow.
has anyone seen the 2017 movie apostasy?
set in britain, the story is about a family, a single mom and her two daughters, who are jehovah's witnesses.
i'm not going to give away too much of the plot, but holy moly!
The movie is so well made, I think a Jehovah's Witness might watch it and actually feel uplifted. The single mother loses both of her daughters, one to death when she trusted in her faith and put Jehovah first and the other lost to the temptations of this wicked world. The mother's faith was being tested and she wavered, but in the end she clung to Jehovah and his earthly organization and went out to spread his message by standing next to a literature cart. If this was shown at a convention it may well receive a standing ovation. Most other people might feel the way I did after watching it. What a sad, bland way to live one's life.
There were a couple of funny parts. My favorite was when Alex's suitor, a young elder, said, "With you working as a gardener and me a window washer, we'll be fine." Dare to dream, you two. Dare to dream.
has anyone seen the 2017 movie apostasy?
set in britain, the story is about a family, a single mom and her two daughters, who are jehovah's witnesses.
i'm not going to give away too much of the plot, but holy moly!
Has anyone seen the 2017 movie Apostasy? Set in Britain, the story is about a family, a single mom and her two daughters, who are Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm not going to give away too much of the plot, but holy moly! The movie is about as real as it could possibly be. If you have not seen it, I have to say it is a must watch for any ex-JW. The movie is on Amazon Prime or the cable service Epix. Here's the trailer:
ron white said it best you can't fix stupid and it seems most if not all liberals are exactly that very stupid.
in the video the minneapolis city council the very ones who voted to refund the police are whining that the crime is running rampant.who would have thunk it.
The Minneapolis City Council voted to defund the police. Then Minneapolis hired private security at $4,500 a day to protect the City Council that voted to defund the police. Interesting strategy...
Trump nominates Joe Biden for Supreme Court!
Mitch McConnell says all sorts of crap.
Maybe Trump will nominate Miguel Estrada, a Conservative jurist who is also an immigrant from Honduras. That would be an interesting move on Trump's part.
Trump might nominate someone. It's up to Mitch McConnell to bring the nominee to the Senate for confirmation. I can't see that happening before the election.
Roberts would vote with the Libs to end the deadlock. You know I'm right about that.
The thing is, even if Trump somehow got a nominee on the bench before the election, the Dems have already floated the idea of packing the court if Biden wins.