Our great great grand parents scoffed at the idea of wireless communication, micro wave cooking and men going to the moon!
True. The government has innovated many, many great things. The microwave did indeed come from radar tech developed for WW2. But, the private sector refined the product and in the end it was consumers who adopted the tech. If the microwave had followed the Newsome model, the government would have said, "We are banning the sale of conventional stoves and ovens in 15 years. You have to buy microwaves." Who knows? Maybe if the government had made such a mandate we would be living in a better world.
Again, I don't have anything against electric vehicles. When one is manufactured with comparable performance and price (without subsidy) to what is now available, the market will move in that direction. No manufacturer has turned a profit selling electric vehicles (without the subsidy), not even Elon Musk. Musk has made tons of money selling credits for his cars to companies who cannot make their "zero emissions" quota.