Like Trump, I've been banned from all social media platforms. My goal is to get booted from here one day. Then I will really be free!
JoinedPosts by frozen2018
“Well at least he doesn’t make mean tweets”
by minimus ini asked a tennis friend this morning what he thought about what’s going on in afghanistan and he said it was terrible.
he was a military man and identifies as a middle of the road republican.
he supported most of trump’s policies but voted for biden because he couldn’t take trump’s mean tweets.
First off, I'm fully vaccinated. That said, I understand why many people are vaccine hesitant. The COVID vaccines are not FDA approved. Anybody who has taken the vaccine has taken an experimental drug. If and when the FDA approves the vaccine, the potential side effects will be listed and people who are hesitant will be better equipped to make a rational decision. Also remember that the manufacturers of the vaccine are shielded from lawsuits related to the vaccine while also making record profits. This is causing many people - regardless of political views - to pause and say, "Hmmmm."
A couple of large businesses where I live are mandating the vaccine ("take the jab or lose your job") and that position is getting a lot of push back. My solution is simple. The employer simply needs to say, "The vaccine is perfectly safe and works. To show how safe we think it is, we will assume all liability and will become completely responsible for any and all side effects caused by the vaccine from the date of first injection to the day you die." I don't expect the employers to take this approach because they really don't believe it is completely safe and effective.
“Well at least he doesn’t make mean tweets”
by minimus ini asked a tennis friend this morning what he thought about what’s going on in afghanistan and he said it was terrible.
he was a military man and identifies as a middle of the road republican.
he supported most of trump’s policies but voted for biden because he couldn’t take trump’s mean tweets.
Trump wrote mean tweets, Biden runs to Camp David and hides. The more I see Biden in action the more I understand why his kid ended up a crackhead.
“Well at least he doesn’t make mean tweets”
by minimus ini asked a tennis friend this morning what he thought about what’s going on in afghanistan and he said it was terrible.
he was a military man and identifies as a middle of the road republican.
he supported most of trump’s policies but voted for biden because he couldn’t take trump’s mean tweets.
The USA spent 20 years and $100 billion training and equipping the Afghan Army and Air Force...a military that has collapsed in a month.
Biden said the US will be completely withdrawn from Afghanistan by September 11th. In a just world, George Bush and Dick Cheney would be arrested and charged with war crimes on September 12th.
Overweight Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus inwhat was your kingdom hall like when it came to overweight witnesses?
i remember counseling some people on their drinking habits.
a few snickered that if we were going to counsel them because they have had way too many at a wedding reception, what about very overweight witnesses that have a lifestyle of overindulgence?
Fatso's in the congregations? Really? In America? Have you looked around lately? America as a whole is filled with tubby people. For example, me! I dropped 80 pounds during the pandemic...and I'm still a lard ass (although I weigh less now than when I graduated high school decades ago). JW or not, most people in this country should lose some weight.
Do You Support Cubans Protesting Against Communism?
by minimus insome people have thrown their support for the government while others show support for the rebels.
what’s your opinion?.
I'm not sure what is meant by "support." Do I send the protesters money and weapons? No. Do I post Tweets or use other social media in support of the cause? No. Do I go stand on a local street corner with a placard of some sort? No. I do hope the events in Cuba do not end badly for those involved.
Did You Think The Capitol Riot Was Worse Than What Happened On 9/11?
by minimus inin my lifetime 9/11 was the worst thing that i can recall.
the effect it had was incredibly horrible!
almost everyone seemed to know someone that was either directly or indirectly affected by this diabolical act.
Not even close to 9/11. And when people talk about how bad things were in Washington DC on January 6th, they should pause and ponder how bad things would have been had Trump been reelected. The left would have exploded in rage and the riots and deaths and destruction would have been nation wide and sustained.
Why Is Nothing Being Done About Looters?
by minimus inlooting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
Because White supremacy toxic male masculinity privilege. What don't you understand?
When I'm driving 68 MPH on a 60 MPH limit road and meet a state trooper, I give it all up to Jesus. Or maybe I'm cursing.
Was Your Health Affected By Covid?
by minimus inother than adding 20 lbs over the last 15 months, no known health issues during covid.
i’ve taken 8 lbs off so far and i am within goals.
thank goodness nothing serious here over the pandemic.
I've dropped 70 pounds from my pre-covid high. Losing weight is fairly easy. Keeping it off is the tricky part. I speak from experience.