I remember a few years ago when Afghanistan had it's first election after we went to war there. The Taliban threatened extreme violence against Afghans who voted. Snipers, IED, car bombs, killing family members, and on and on and on. Yet the Afghans turned out, walking long distances through dangerous territory to cast their vote. I remember how proud America was of the Afghan people who, despite the danger, turned out. It seemed that the blood and treasure America, and the rest of the coalition, spent fighting for Afghan freedom was worth it. 'MERICA! Does anyone remember photos like this, a proud Afghan allowing her face to be photographed while displaying her ink dipped finger to show she voted? This is what courage looks like.

Looking at the mess of an election we just had, I'm truly embarrassed for the USA. Why is it that if I withdraw money from an ATM in the middle of Siberia it shows almost immediately at my bank at home? And the transaction is accurate! Yet in America it takes some States days to tally up the votes with no guarantee of accuracy. Maybe the Afghans can help us out next time.