I just got around to checking my MegaMillions tickets. Turns out I won $1.05 billion! Finally, I can get a new lawn mower.
Keep in mind, everything you read on the internet is true...
I just got around to checking my MegaMillions tickets. Turns out I won $1.05 billion! Finally, I can get a new lawn mower.
Keep in mind, everything you read on the internet is true...
I won $500 with a mega millions ticket. I was one number away from $1,000,000. At the time I needed a new sofa and I had the money set aside to buy it. I used my winnings to buy a $500 nicer sofa than I had originally planned and I happen to be sitting on it now.
you may know that president joe biden canceled the permits for the xl canadian pipeline on his first day in office.
this was a controversial move, and there has been discussion and videos floating around the office where i work.
one of my co-workers showed a video of all the jobs being lost.
5) Many of the jobs related to the construction of the pipeline are temporary.
I worked construction for almost 15 years and I made really good money with just a high school diploma. I think I can say this with some authority. ALL CONSTRUCTION JOBS ARE TEMPORARY! Construction workers are always working themselves out of a job. It is the nature of the business. I can never understand why this argument is tossed out about pipelines. The same logic could be applied to roads, houses, skyscrapers, and anything else that has to be built.
you may know that president joe biden canceled the permits for the xl canadian pipeline on his first day in office.
this was a controversial move, and there has been discussion and videos floating around the office where i work.
one of my co-workers showed a video of all the jobs being lost.
I saw Justin Trudeau commenting on Keystone. He said he was disappointed but he understood Biden's action as it was, after all, a campaign promise and that makes it okay. I guess if Trump thought it was okay for Mexico to pay for a wall it would make sense that Biden should expect Canadians to pay for his campaign promises. He also said that Biden rejoining the Paris Accords made cancelling Keystone more understandable. He further said he was excited that President Biden was going to call him today. He is no doubt waiting by the phone.
do you think the world will be a better place?
more civil?
Gasoline will be cheap as electric cars don't use it.
It'll turn out that wind turbines and solar panels CAN power the nation.
The military will be drawn down to the lowest levels in history as world nations declare peace with each other. Some of the military will still be retained for ceremonial and nostalgic reasons.
Firearms will be relegated to the dust bin of history. The government won't force this. People will just realize they love one another and decide firearms are stupid.
Everyone will embrace veganism by their own free will.
Everyone will be employed. In fact the unemployment rate will need to measured as a negative.
The various things scientists learned while battling COVID-19 will be applied to all ailments. Virtually all diseases will be wiped out including chronic dandruff.
Alexandria Occasio-Cortez will leave politics and live out her dreams when she joins OnlyFans.
The Dow will soar and finally break that elusive $100,000 barrier.
The entire world will be able to live stream the Trump family enjoying their time at ADX Florence.
The Vikings will win the Super Bowl.
I have tears of happiness running down my face as I write this. The future will be amazing!
it looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
Yes, he would have lawyers. And discovery. And witnesses. And evidence. Hell, he could call every County Clerk in the country to testify. And every State's Secretary of State. It could drag on for years if Trump has the cash. Or would the taxpayers have to fund the whole thing? I like to think that Trump is spending his remaining time declassifying tons of documents, signing pardons (I'm thinking Assange would be a great one. And one for Hunter Biden just for fun), and composing a nice note for incoming President Biden. I wonder if the Bidens will bring a nice gift for the Trumps like the Trumps did for the Obamas?
it looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
Do you think the Senate is stupid enough to actually hold a trial? After the defendant has left? Do they really want to bring Trump back for an encore?
i think that for the most part, dissenting views should be allowed to exist because of free speech principles.
one person may strongly feel that something is true while someone else may present “facts” that support the opposing view.
when that is the case, healthy discussion is mostly productive.
Twitter tweeted today:
"Access to information and freedom of expression, including the public conversation on Twitter, is never more important than during democratic processes, particularly elections."
And this:
"Ahead of the Ugandan election, we're hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps.
We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet."
Apparently Twitter's position is "shut downs for thee, not me."
it looks like it can happen again and i suspect if it does happen, the senate will not convict either because they can’t convict him since it’s after his presidency or simply because they don’t have sufficient votes..
A columnist I favor reading, Patrick Buchanan, wrote in his latest:
"House Democrats want veto power over whom Republicans can nominate. And this is the crowd that does not cease to bray about its devotion to “democracy.”
Bray about democracy! Spot on.
i think that for the most part, dissenting views should be allowed to exist because of free speech principles.
one person may strongly feel that something is true while someone else may present “facts” that support the opposing view.
when that is the case, healthy discussion is mostly productive.
“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R.R. Martin